Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

The speech itself was a mostly-dry affair that dealt mainly with corporate bankruptcy, and Warren’s opposition to weakening federal bankruptcy protections. She argued for those protections from a conservative standpoint, to reduce the risk to taxpayers in the form of government bailouts.

Warren drew laughs from the crowd from the beginning of her speech, recounting a child’s explanation of bankruptcy as “exploding banks” and joking about being bitter over an unpaid childhood loan of seven cents.

But she also drew likely unintentional laughs when she talked about the consequences of corporate bankruptcies on workers.

“We bought labor peace in the 70s and 80s by promising those employees that they were going to have retirements like you wouldn’t believe,” Warren said.

“Well, you know what? They shouldn’t have believed because what’s happened is now it’s time to pay the piper,” she added, to laugher from the crowd. Warren, however, did not laugh.

When she did speak about individual bankruptcy, Professor Warren’s message was largely pro-consumer, although without the empathetic language that Senator Warren uses on the stump now.

During the Q&A portion, Warren said “What troubles me about this is the notion that the answer will be let’s tighten those consumer credit card debtors, striking down on the bankruptcy laws. Let those, let’s sweat those little suckers, put ’em in the box.”

“You know what, that’s gonna yield about a buck ninety-five?” she continued. “Because the problem we’ve got and consumer bankruptcy is the people who filed for consumer bankruptcy, statistically, the group in general can’t pay. And if they can’t pay? My daddy taught me that one. No blood out of a turnip. You could rip out their fingernails, you could sweat ’em. You could tell them they can’t have any kind of discharge in bankruptcy. But the reality is they’re still not gonna pay.”

She warned that credit cards would be the next big bubble, and that would put taxpayers at risk “if you force the banks to crash.”

“But don’t don’t ratchet down on the consumer bankruptcies, that’s not gonna be the answer,” Warren said. “The answer is over there, not over here,” she added, indicating the pro-banking side of the dais.

This doesn’t seem terrible to me, especially if this is the worst version of Warren’s Republican past.


Gonna pull my lawbro card here.

The Federalist Society is extremely influential and absolutely responsible for the downfall of our legal system. All of those court rulings you hate? DIRECTLY because of the Federalist Society.

As far as I’m concerned, they are a domestic terrorist organization. Would you care if Bernie gave a speech to the KKK?

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Well, Joe Rogan for one


Evidently more people of color as compared to 2016, and working class (previously} non-voters. If you haven’t noticed that expanding the electorate is a huge part of his strategy you haven’t been paying attention.


Yes, I would care if Nominee X gave a speech to the KKK. I think Warren speaking to the Federalist Society is more like going on Fox News or Fox Business. But, in my view, the important thing is the substance of what she said - her message to the Federalist Society seems largely consistent with her current message. If Nominee X gave a speech to the KKK and said, “You are a terrible organization and your beliefs are garbage”, I would think it was a weird choice, but I don’t know that it would sour me on the candidate.

You can correct me if you know otherwise, but I would also characterize the Federalist Society in 1991 as dramatically different from what it’s become. That point when Warren spoke is right when Leonard Leo joined and, as I understand it, started really pushing it to crazytown. He’s the monster behind the GOP’s judiciary success in the last 15-20 years.

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Background on who that is and what this comparison means?

The conventional media narrative that well-paid professional class libs don’t like Sanders seems wrong to me anecdotally.

Also I really hope this stupid Warren vs Bernie beef doesnt cause a bunch of resentment from their supporters and cause people to spite spitefully not back the other when it’s clear one no longer has a chance to win.


Looks like the Bernie and Warren supporters are gonna eat their own and self-destruct if this thread represents their overall attitude.

Trump might as well do his touchdown celebration now.


One of them already doesn’t have a chance, though.

John Charles Hagee is an American pastor and televangelist. The founder of John Hagee Ministries, his ministry is telecast to the United States and Canada. Hagee is also the founder and chairman of the Christian-Zionist organization Christians United for Israel. Wikipedia
Born: 12 April 1940 (age 79 years), Baytown, Texas, United States
Children: Tish Hagee, Christina Hagee, Matthew Hagee, Sandy Hagee, Christopher Hagee
Movies and TV shows: Cornerstone, Left Behind: The Movie, Jerusalem Countdown, Vanished in the Twinkle of an Eye, Vanished
Spouse: Diana Castro (m. 1976), Martha Downing (m. 1960–1975)
Education: Southwestern Assemblies of God University (SAGU), Trinity University, University of North Texas

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I don’t know what you’re asking. I wasn’t being sarcastic in anything I wrote.

Joe Rogan is massive here in the UK too and like a cult leader you dare speak out about him and OMG!!! You feel the backlash straight away, it’s MAGA like vitriol but that’s the internet for ya nowadays… :joy:

He’s suggesting champ’s post was the truth.

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Yeah I saw his Wiki. I meant what is that tweet implying saying joe backing Bernie is this primaries john Hague. Obviously hes had some big impact on a primary before

He has a massive Cult following like the pastor does and even if they don’t know it they will vote for whoever Joe votes for… Imo that’s the link

If Rogan pushes TheBern watch his supporters follow suit… In droves and then we get the MMA crowd cheering TheBern at a show.

I’d take that because of what I seen happen in the other direction with LaboursUK here in the UK.


That’s not building a coalition, that’s hoping for demographics to change in your favor. Those were already his core groups. He’s done nothing to broaden his appeal to anyone else. That might be seen as a positive among people who already like him but it’s not enough to win an election.

Who has?