Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Worthless forum software is worthless, I didn’t mean to reply to microbet here, this is just thread reply

Two people I follow on the RoganBrouhaha:

Her husband works on the Warren campaign too.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

So Michelle Goldberg is catching some heat, Traister is sort of sitting on the fence, but worth reading the responses if you want a sense of what people other than me think about the Rogan thing.

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I mean, it’s absolutely laughable and big time telling on yourself to say Bernie should reject support from a guy with an audience of 10+ million while advocating candidates not go too far left to avoid alienating mythical persuadable “moderates.” GTFO


I’m reluctantly okay with breaking bread with the Rogan meatheads, but it’s frustrating to hear this talk of solidarity after people have furiously been going HAM at Warren and Pete for months.

Is that directed at me?

Warren and Pete are running for president.


So was skydiver?

That’s not what Trolly said.

Plenty folks itt went after Bernie fans at the start and over on 2/2…lmao buthurtt anyone… :joy::joy::joy:

I’m off to beg for money now, be civil to each other while I’m away… :innocent:

I’ll give you that it’s not what Trolly said, so I’ll modify what Trolly said, it’s frustrating to hear this talk of solidarity after many people have been shitting on Pete supporters and Warren supporters for months as centrist shills, and now they’ve been apparently cast aside for a new coalition with RoganBros.


And Bernie’s going to need their voters if he wins this primary.

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Joe Rogan isn’t running against Bernie Sanders.

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I’m not sure I understand.

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Lots of people shit on Warren and Pete, like say Riverman. Most of them said nothing bad about you or skydiver8. A couple people, maybe just Victor, have been assholes.

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Wrong… Almost all Warren and Mayor Pete fans asked us Bernie fans to support their candidate for months on here and elsewhere…

Just stop with that BS, please.


Correct then AnonC came by… :unamused:

I can get those receipts too if you like, why doesn’t skydiver post in this thread anymore? Maybe just Victor? jlawok.gif

I’ve been trying hard to ignore all internet supporters for all candidates this cycle.I barely have any followers on twitter and any comment i ever have that gets 20 responses is always awful politics bros/bots that make you hate whoever they are pushing for.

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Dunno. Maybe a few others. I don’t read everyone’s posts. How about some off the top of your head if it made such an impression?

The End… :point_up_2:


Do you mean the receipt that @skydiver8 1st appeared with itt…? That disparage ALL posters here or 1s directed at her personally?

Mind you Atleast she appoligied for that, somewhat, then said she would support TheBern if he was the candidate. Unlike some Warren supporters… :thinking:

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