Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Bernie supporters argue with those who don’t support Bernie, but don’t argue with those who do support Bernie. Can’t explain that.

I mean even that isn’t true really, since basically every Bernie person here has said some version of “yeah Rogan sucks and he is wrong about a lot but his endorsement is good”.

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Increasing your support among demographics that used to not support you isn’t coalition building? OK. So what coalition should he be building IYO?


This is 100% nonsense concern trolling. Stop fucking responding to it and it mercifully stops.


None that include any Warren fans or folks who might be a Warren fan?

I’ll just ask her, will that be sufficient? <low_blow_alert>Because some (NOT YOU!) have intimated we need like documentary proof because we can’t always trust women</low_blow_alert>

What is this in reference to? I’m not aware of any Warren supporters that have said they wouldn’t support Bernie. On here I think Bernie is the 2nd choice of almost all if not all Warren supporters.

shh… don’t tell them that, they’ll need a smorgasbord of scapegoats when Bernie loses because people over 50 in Alabama prefer Biden by 99%

There is a complete departure from reality and insistence on gaslighting by some of the Bernie supporters on here that is pretty disturbing.

This is not to knock Bernie in anyway, because I love Bernie.

A lot are acting like they wouldn’t atm…

And if a the Warren supporters are voting for anyone except Trump then why are we having a meltdown itt over Joe fucking Rogan who no one here actually likes except Superuberbob

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Same for Warren and Pete fans… Its time we all stopped the BS trolling.

I don’t watch every JRE episode. But if Joey Diaz is on, I’m in.


I admit… Joey cracks me up and I’ve still to watch his latest appearance on Joe’s Pod. :joy:

10-20% of the country listening to joe rogan doesn’t sound right at all.

anyway in voter news

definitely a woman thing to go “well he’s entertaining and that overrules everything else about him”

I like the ones where has has that amateur geology guy talk about asteroid impacts and floods and shit. I don’t know anything about geology, it’s probably all BS, but it’s entertaining as hell.

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sounded high to me as well. But holy shit, in April 2019 his podcasts were downloaded 190 million times. I don’t know about 10% of the population, but that’s a huge audience. Certainly more influential than the failing NYT.

I’ll agree that there’s literally 0% chance she prefers Florida Man over Bernie, but I wouldn’t be shocked if she doesn’t endorse Bernie, although she should endorse Bernie asap if she does poorly.

He’s gonna run in 2024, isn’t he.

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Rogan is a great Bernie endorsement since he captures all the Sam Harris / libertarian / Ron Paul types…

WTF is this gaslighting? Bernie supporters started a Never Warren hashtag and were calling her a snake all over social media, but it’s Warren supporters who are the problem? GMAFB