Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

This. Actions speak louder than words!.. Who the F didn’t learn this when they were a kid?

And we’re now talking about US Republican senators…lolololol

She endorsed Hillary after she won the nomination. Stop gaslighting.


well, we haven’t started a war with iran yet. There’s one.

That’s all I got.

This is hilarious. Y’all better vote Bernie if you want to beat Trump.

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It wasn’t a mathematical edge, she had won the nomination. Warren endorsed her after Hillary had guaranteed over 50% of the popular vote, the pledged delegates, and the total delegates, or what has been known in every other Presidential Primary prior to 2016 as winning the nomination.

ETA: there was literally only the DC primary left when she endorsed and there was no possible scenario that could change anything even if every eligible voter in DC came out and Bernie won with 100% of the vote. It was over. And I say this as someone who voted for and actively supported Bernie throughout the entire 2016 Primary. This type of gaslighting is dangerous and runs the risk of the left becoming as deranged and lizard brained as the right currently is.


By that article you linked, Warren endorsed Hillary in the second week of June.

I don’t see how that is a counter-argument to meb’s point.

“Mathematical edge” lol. Can you get more dishonest? Hillary had won by that point, her edge was 100% to 0%.



Biden is better than every Republican.

You’re furious in 2020 because Warren endorsed Trump’s opponent after Bernie lost the primary? This is what I’m talking about, man, the irrational slapfighting and snake memes and shit.

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Bernie has made MASSIVE GAINS in PoC communities of late. He is absolutely building a broader coalition because, unlike some candidates, he’s not a desperate politician that will play dirty for votes, he means what he says, and he has a track record. People trust him, people like his ideas. Deal with it.


Stop gaslighting. Literally everything you post is a flat out lie.

Bernie has consistently been the top 2nd choice among Warren supporters for the entire 2020 campaign.

Lack of substance?

lol you’re delusional

Bernie has consolidated significant support amongst minorities and just flipped a major SC pol from Biden literally this week

You would argue that, or just make it up out of whole cloth?


Joe Rogan’s entire shtick is that non-mainstream ideas are good ideas. There is a huge chunk of the population (lets call them Group A) who are intelligent enough and skeptical enough to sniff out the blatant bullshit and shallowness at the heart of mainstream messaging. However, only a small chunk of those people (let’s call them Group B, a subset of A) are really going to have the intellectual curiosity to go deep on all the alternative viewpoints and try to find something to believe that is robust and coherent and supported by evidence. Joe Rogan plays in the substantial place of Group A minus Group B. These people are very prone to accepting any “outside the box” idea, no matter how superficial, that opposes the obviously lacking positions of the mainstream elite. It is not a good heuristic to say that any idea that is an alternative to a stupid idea is therefore a smart idea, but you can sell a lot of people on this. Since Bernie is running as an outsider, it is perfectly natural and good for him to access that space and try to motivate them to vote.

All that to say, I don’t think Joe needs any reason to support Bernie other than the fact that Bernie is attacking the status quo. That’s literally Joe Rogan’s idea of a smart idea, full stop.


This is a reasonable argument.

Complaining that she made an endorsement of Hillary in June is not.

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You’re gaslighting again. You claimed #neverbernie was promoted by Warren supporters for 4 years which is an absolute lie. Where #neverwarren was the direct product of the unhinged wing of Bernie supporters like yourself.

Uhhhh he has 400m listens a month with 100m unique listeners worldwide. I don’t think 10-20% of US adults is too far off.

Bernie Sanders also endorsed Hillary after she won the primary. Gtfoh.