Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Bernie endorsed Hillary 3 days later.


Start at 48:00 for lolz

First half hour is car talk

Wait, Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton?

What a :snake:


I guess I’m partially responsible for the state of this thread but you all are literally arguing about nothing.


The Vox article you linked literally has that date.

If you want to argue the merits of Warren’s progressive credentials, there are legitimate ways to do that. Try one of those.

Bernie fans vs Warren fans right now.

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If you have a tool to measure hashtag metrics from Warren supporters, let me know, I’ll snap accept that I’m wrong if #neverBernie was ever more of a thing for Warren supporters than #neverWarren was a thing for Bernie supporters.

#neverBernie, well, maybe not that particular hashtag but the sentiment, was/is a thing for some never Florida Manners and for maybe some diehard Clintonistas.

Brother one of us is in denial of reality. It’s sad that you hurt your own cause with this crap which is why I’m trying to call out people like you right now.

You’ll be happy to know that when I have met a NeverBernie Democrat in person I’m just as quick to call them out on their BS too. There just aren’t any of them on here.

I’m disappointed the NFL decided to put the Chiefs in the AFC championship just because of their mathematical edge over my Texans in the divisional round!! They’re just showing their bias imo.

Fucking A+ thread title change



Bernie has always been and still currently is the top 2nd choice among Warren supporters.

Will some Warren supporters go to Biden if she drops out? Yes

Would some Bernie supporters go to Biden if he dropped out? Yes

This doesn’t change the fact that Bernie will benefit more than any other candidate from Warren’s supporters if she drops out.

This is actually really emblematic of the larger conversation where we have a dozen reasonable normal Bernie supporters and then Victoar who means well but (sorry dude) makes some really bad arguments and lashes out at people for no reason. Then everyone gets a few minutes on their soapbox and pretends like victoar is the norm for Bernie supporters and, importantly, tries to lump in things like “criticizing the centrist advocacy of Pete supporters” as further examples of the unhinged Bernie bros.

If I didn’t know any better I’d think that last part was intentional muddying of the waters. Butnahhhh.



As a fellow bernie bro you’re not coming across all that great to me itt. Not that you’re wrong necessarily just an observation from someone on your side.


There is a super duper simple solution to all this infighting, warren should drop out tomorrow and endorse bernie. That would push him over the top in iowa which means he’d crush NH and probably have a decent showing in NC and win NV. Then it’d be over and we could all focus on getting behind the nominee and beating trump. I very much doubt there’d be any hard feelings whatsoever and if you find any bernie bro pooh poohing warrens endorsement or her voters after that you have my personal permission to eviscerate them (with words only for cuses sake). But as long they are rivals in the zero sum game called democratic nominee then you’ve got to expect some argie bargie. Only one person gets to win, it’s not a team sport. Until the moment you decide to endorse bernie then all history should be forgotten and you’re welcome to the team.


This is from 2 days ago. Warren to Sanders is the strongest 2nd choice preference of any candidate’s supporters in the Primary.

In June.

This is important.

Cool cool standing by a total lie.

Stop gaslighting, she never endorsed Hillary over Bernie. She endorsed the candidate who had won the Democratic nomination, who Bernie himself endorsed 3 days later. Zero contests took place and zero votes were cast between Warren’s endorsement and Bernie’s endorsements.

I think it’s time to flip the page on your word of the day calendar.


I think it’s important to drill into Victor’s head what he is doing.

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