Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Yes, the very easy solution is for everyone but my preferred candidate to drop out. But in my case, that means Warren.


I mean, your point may be right but inigomontoya.jpeg, seriously

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Lol this. I don’t even know who’s arguing with who about what.

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That is a different argument, but it shows you misremember 2016. Warren was criticized heavily by the Dem establishment for being the holdout on not endorsing Hillary and her not endorsing anyone was viewed at the time as essentially an unspoken endorsement of Bernie’s campaign.

If warren can still win then she is a threat to bernie by definition and it’s not unreasonable to treat her like one. Fight for your candidate or crow about unity imo. The unity happens after the endorsement.


Your case is weak. Not endorsing Sanders does not deny her progressive credibility.

She could have endorsed him and I agree that would have added to her progressive credibility. We can only speculate why she chose not to. My theory is that she recognized Sanders is a long shot and her endorsement would not have changed that Clinton got the nomination.
She might even have calculated that endorsing Clinton later on might offer her a shot at a cabinet position. I do not mind if she did that. She started the CPB as a senator. Who knows what she might have achieved as a secretary.




Taking the establishment road in 2016 was endorsing Hillary in 2015. Warren did not and was criticized heavily for it by the establishment. This is a thing that happened.

You are correct that she never endorsed Bernie. It is a lie to say that she does what the establishment wants her to though.


does this mean we’re done talking about slavery




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I learned a new word today.

This discussion ended up producing something of value for me.


H/T to John Roberts.

Lol at still reading Victoar poasts. You guys deserve this. Him, anachronistic, and nunn are the only posters it’s absolutely mandatory to ignore lol.

It’s very rare to mention JR in the UK and not have young guys react in a positive way regarding him… I use his name for small chat in my Job to break the Ice with difficult passengers… :joy::joy::joy:

Bloomberg has passed Warren now on the RCP aggregate betting odds. Bernie still has not eclipsed Biden there, he got close a week or so ago.

Also i cant even follow this thread anymore lol, so many new posts

Right now with the Chinese beer flu tanking the market, I wonder if that is the crazy deus ex machina that will cause the economy to crash and guarantee Trump loses


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You know who else endorsed Hillary last time?

And yes, they’ll both endorse Biden this time too if he becomes the nominee. Fucking idiot.