Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Sold thread title change.



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In ‘08, Sanders Endorsed Obama – Before Clinton Formally Exited Race

Bernie’s not a real progressive!

Wouldn’t a better reason for not endorsing Bernie and then endorsing Hildawg be that literally everyone assumed Bernie had no chance + that Hildawg would obv crush Trump? Like sure, it could be considered cowardly, but it also made sense politically. No reason antagonizing the next president by endorsing her longshot primary opponent, even if he is closer to you politically and you would prefer him. Especially with how vindictive the Clintons are known to be.

The other way of looking at this is that Warren was one of 3 sitting Democratic Senators to not endorse Hillary prior to her clinching the nomination, with most of them endorsing her in 2015.

If Warren isn’t progressive, then no one other than Bernie and Jeff Merkley are progressive and the progressive movement is dead

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Sure, but Warren also chose not to run against Hildawg herself, so she clearly did not want to mess with the Clinton machine. Even if Bernie wins Iowa its not like he becomes a lock to win, Cruz won Iowa for the republicans after all. And Hildawg was still polling wayyyy ahead nationally.


Joe has been supportive of giving everyone healthcare and taxes paying for college for a long time. He’s also in favor of spending a lot of money on poor communities to try and help them. In fact I’m pretty sure nearly all of his policy positions are progressive.

I think its unfair to say he just supports Bernie because he’s not the establishment.

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Bernie Sanders did not endorse Bernie Sanders in 2008 and has yet to endorse Bernie Sanders for 2024, it’s unbelievable

This thread title is super accurate, and has been since the start of the very first Democratic Primaries thread on this site. I think it’s hilarious and I don’t want it changed ever. Final thread title 10/10. Totally describes my own posts too lol. The thread title is @bestof

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But I’ve liked everyone’s posts itt… :cry: And hearted almost All posters at 1 point…

Ofcourse Warren would be my 2nd choice


I just wanted to say I love your use of emojis. Kinda reminds me of how some of my friends texts me and makes me feel warm and safe here.

You’re a good egg.


Joe Rogan is GOOP for dudes.


Never heard of GOOP.

The closest Bernie could come to losing my future support (that he is getting when Warren loses) is if he picks Tulsi as VP. Still, I’m not a child, I’d vote for Bernie/Tulsi, but I wouldn’t trust myself not to trash Tulsi every hour of every day, who needs that, so I might go dark on politics in that event.


Love that expression. Was used by my awesome grandmother-in-law who died a few years ago at 100.

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I mostly kept my mouth shut about Hillary between the convention and the election and even did my best to post positive things. I’ll try to keep my mouth shut about Biden this time anyway. Not sure if I can come up with anything positive. At least Hillary wasn’t a fucking moron.

I’d like to see Democratic candidates on the abolish the Space Force team. Not even really hopeful for Bernie on that front.

Also reminds me of that meme that was all over reddit for awhile about a Shakespeare quote


Until there’s a candle that smells like Joe Rogan’s penis being sold online, I disagree with this.