Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


You can even get a “ballscription”

Is that what Joe’s penis smells like?

Also those manscaping monthly subscription podcast ads are absurd. How fast does your bush have to grow to justify getting that?

If I had to guess I bet it smells like 25 million dollars—and weed

If you can’t see the harm here you’re not very good at seeing harm. It’s a really bad thing. Creating institutions is not a small matter - see the Department of Homeland Security. See the NSA. Space Force being a new normal is a huge deal. There’s going to be a giant organization that wants to live and grow and it will.

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We already have institutional space military stuff, we just call it the Air Force.

The air force, the navy, the army, everybody already does space warfare

The we already have it take is horrible. Tragically horrible. Joe Rogan to the billionth power horrible.

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We also did border patrol before ICE.

Who is going to serve your ransomware Walrus webapp when China disables all American operated satellites?

We also had homeland security before The Department of Homeland Security.

We also had intelligence gathering before the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency. There were drug prosecutions before the Drug Enforcement Agency. Let’s just create agencies for every possible military and policing operation we can think of. I’m trying to come up with some new ones as a joke, but with Space Force now taken there aren’t any ridiculous and terrifying categories left open.


If we eliminated ICE and put INS in charge of running the internment camps would that really be better? Reshuffling and renaming agencies is not the big change you think it is.

And talk about bad politics. The Democrats have happily helped Trump fund the wall, grow the defense budget, create new military organizations, pass major trade legislation. Jesus.


Or maybe you’re wrong. You like space. How about we dissolve NASA and let it be managed under some other department? No? Maybe that would mean less peaceful space stuff?

Man, is this Victoar guy really the same one telling me a few hours ago that I was giving Bernie Bros a bad name ?

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No but I would think that the more departments we have the easier it is to justify increases in the military budget because there’s more departments that need money to keep America safe. Although Dems have been giving trump hundreds of billions of dollars anyways so it probably doesn’t matter how many agencies there are because not many will fight to lower any military budget

If only Med, we would have had quite day if only you did… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Wait this is actually a big controversy on twitter?

JFC people are so fucking stupid lmao.