Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

No doubt. The most succinct rebuttal is to point out that Rogan is endorsing Sanders, Sanders is not endorsing Rogan. (Kudos to whoever posted this above.)

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which is why we can’t have nice things.


Good news: the people arguing about this on Twitter on a Friday night are not Rogan persuadables.


The only Biden idea I can say I’ve liked was when he floated the idea of partitioning Iraq.

Iraq in the long run maybe shouldn’t be a single country, but the US partitioning it would be Sykes-Picot level terribad.

People (liberals) joke about how we are the baddies, but they either don’t really believe it or they always think we are going to be good starting soon and then from that time onward.

I just want to give the Kurds their own country.


I noticed 400+ posts itt in 24 hours and assumed something huge had happened…


Well then you should be the United Nations or some organization with a smidgen of credibility.

I don’t get how re-orging NASA changes much. Could be because I’ve lived and worked in DC and seen how these reshufflings go.

Like, what is it you’re afraid Space Force is gonna do that we aren’t already doing?

It’s going to grow. It’s going to get bigger because it’s its own department. It’s going to have advocates inside and outside of the government. It’s going to build facilities. Facilities will be managed by people who want to make their facilities bigger. Industry will build those facilities and fill them with stuff. People doing that will want to make more stuff. In 10 years there’ll be X times as many people doing Space War stuff because of this, just like there are more assholes kidnapping immigrants because ICE was created.

I’m afraid we’re all going to die. That’s one thing. More likely we’re going to murder a lot of other people. And every addition to the war departments makes that more likely.


I’ve also seen government organizations do reshuffling. My Dad worked for HUD for like 35 years, starting not long after it became a new agency. You know what happened with a new housing agency? A lot of housing happened.

If Rogan endorsed Warren would Bernie supporters be calling Rogan Alt-right?

I certainly wouldn’t be. Honestly I’d be pretty happy. Rogan putting his support behind any progressive is great for progressives.

Other Bernie supporters attacking Warren need to stfu. Yes the criticism against her for the way she handled the " a woman can’t be president " was terrible but it’s not that huge of a deal. Move on and treat Warren supporters with respect.

Warren supporters need to do the same. I mean jfc either Warren or Bernie would be great for this country and the other option is this country turning into an absolute fucking disaster with a second Trump term.



Ok so I listened to some of the Rogan and Bari Weiss podcast and now understand why there is a huge controversy. Rogan shits on Warren pretty hard lol.

He says she manipulative and was being super dishonest about being native American and thought how she handled the " a woman can’t be president " attack was shitty and gross.

So I kinda get why Warren supporters are pissed lol.


You have the highest noise : signal ratio on this forum, nay, the internet writ large. You should ignore yourself.

If you can stand it, have at this one, has things for everybody to hate

If you want the cliffs start at 6:01


It’s not the endorsement, it’s the questionable politics of Bernie publicizing the support of a fringe figure who has taken Alex Jones seriously, made comments that border on transphobic, misogynistic etc. I think we all would have known that Bernies team should not to send that tweet just after reading about Rogan for 5 min. It’s fine to have embarrassing allies…just don’t be proud of them :slight_smile: But i don’t think it’ll matter for more than 24 hrs in so much as it matters at all.