Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

If an endorsement from Joe Rogan is the last straw that “alienates the majority of Democrats” then clearly they were just looking for an excuse. Like 5 people actually care about this, the rest just want to pretend that other people care and therefore it’s bad.


Did you have to cut up a goat and read its intestines to come up with that take?

How did you decide champstark was out of him mind? Chicken bones?

Oh, HRC walked it back. You’ve got evidence.

Mike Schur is the best


No, quite literally in that comment, he “hinted” that HRC, Obama and Warren want Florida Man to win rather than Bernie. That’s not an incendiary statement directed at people who support Warren?

The Republicans in congress are supporting Trump mostly because they think that’s the best course to keep their job.

Incendiary, sure. I didn’t realize you were referring to statements like that as the event that would “alienate” Dems though, because that seems pretty ridiculous.

I’m going to need some actual evidence that these mystery Republican senators actually hate Trump on any real policy level.

Maybe not Warren.

Although if she truly wanted Bernie to win she’d drop out after Iowa and endorse him. My guess is she waits as long as possible to drop out, theoretically hurting Bernie as much as she can, before dropping and endorsing Biden unless Bernie is in the lead.

She also seems to be very self-centered, and if that’s the case, she may want Trump to win so she can run again in 2024.

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Obama way too high imo.


for someone who lobbied for war, mass incarceration, tried to cut medicare and social security and has been supported for decades by the finance industry.


Maybe so.

Not taking a shot, just observing that ‘we’ hate on HRC for presumably preferring Trump over Bernie to keep the party alive, while ‘we’ also entertain the notion that Trump over Biden would be best to create long-term change and consider rooting for it. (‘We’ being the obviously-not-homogeneous left.)

To be clear, I think a person could hold both those ideas and be consistent in their views, I just find it amusing.

I’m not sure if I’m following you, but if this relates to a hypothetical Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump general election, then absolutely yes vote for Biden even if you would characterize him this way.

Are people really making the argument that Biden is approximately the same as Trump, so no need to be engaged in a hypothetical Biden campaign? JFC.

Yeah yeah, vote for Biden. I agree with that. Versus Trump. Important caveat. Biden is absolutely not better than every Republican.

But, what’s this? Those are facts. Everyone should, must, characterize him that way. It’s just the truth.

Let me help you out. If Warren or one of her surrogates decided to endorse Bernie, they would not be attacked for doing so. They would in fact get a much warmer reception for doing so than Rogan did.

Your argument of “you Bernie bros were mad at Warren when she launched a dishonest smear against Sanders yet you were happy when Rogan endorsed him - INTERESTING” is just super weird.


I said that he may be out of his mind because he asserted things as true he had no evidence to believe.

Hilary would probably rather Trump win than Bernie if only because it helps reinforce the thought that Bernie could have won in 2016, damaging her ego even further.


Lol wat