Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Plz god let the Iowa caucuses happen soon.


Cliffs of why Joe Rogan likes Bernie?

Jimmy dore has been in his ear for years

Rogan is a mixed bag. Yes he’s platformed some real shit stains. He’s also platformed the fuck out of some great people who a bunch of young white dudes would have never listened to. As for what he stands for… I think he’s a mixed bag and is at the very least making up his mind on a by the issue basis.

There’s a reason there are so many libertarians… it’s because they have a handful of good ideas/concepts that really are worthy of stealing. Sort of like how the left has some really bad ideas that should never ever happen, because if they do they’ll do significant harm to all the good stuff they want to do.

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Waking up to see this still going with 100 new posts is something.

Bottom line is that Bernie will need nearly 70m voters to become president. People like Joe Rogan listeners (which is probably somewhere between 10-20% of the entire country) will be needed to get to that number.

Seems obvious that we just have the last flaming embers of the Warren train here concern trolling over this and should move on.


There is a lot more overlap between the intellectual dork web fringe and Bernie supporters than most people want to admit. There are many people (mostly white men) who want to find answers outside of existing power structures and will gladly accept someone who fills that basic requirement without caring much about what else is included in the deal. They will float from Ron Paul to Trump to Yang to Bernie without a moment’s pause at how wildly inconsistent they’re being.


So? If they vote Bernie I really don’t care because it isn’t like Bernie is going to make decisions in his admin based on these morons.

They aren’t being wildly inconsistent… they are consistently anti establishment. Which tbh is a lot more rational than caring about what policies the candidate won’t be getting done because of the filibuster when in office.

Sometimes all you’ve got is what you don’t want.

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I was going to say this as well–they aren’t intellectually consistent but at least have a consistent mindset.

The difference between Bernie and those charlatans is that he is both anti-establishment and promotes policies that will help them. Hopefully they see that and it keeps them from jumping to the next anti-establishment candidate (unless that candidate is also promoting genuinely helpful policies, obv).

I guess what I’m trying to say is that these other anti-establishment politicians and Joe Rogan are just the gateway drug. Bernie / Democratic Socialism is the fucking heroin. After that, booze just won’t do it anymore.

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You can see Bari Weiss in the Rogan endorsement video!

:point_up_2: Video


If Rogan is more influential than the New York Times, then it’s even more important to be clear that his politics is dogshit, just as it’s important to be clear that the NYT is a dodgy, derpy newspaper. Some want to “win at all costs”, but those costs don’t seem to include the cost of (here’s a thought) not ritualistically trashing people who support Pete & Liz? And then it is said we need coalitions to win; I’d rather be in a coalition with progressive feminists who find Bernie fine but sometimes, perhaps unfairly, problematic than in a coalition with RoganBros. In other words, some are giving Joe fucking Rogan 10x the benefit of the doubt than they are giving to Warren, something is wrong there.

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At least we’ll know when Trump wins that we did everything we could to purity test not just our nominee but also the people who supported that nominee. As we’re lead to camps we’ll feel fulfilled, knowing that even though we’re going to die we did so while rejecting the endorsement of Joe Rogan.


Here’s a hint for you. Hillary, Obama, (maybe Warren too, at this point) etc. would all prefer term two of President Trump than term one of Bernie.

Hope that clears things up for you on this expected coalition and who really is opposing Bernie here.


What it clears up is that you’re out of your mind if you think that’s true. Even in HRC’s widely criticized statements that she walked back, she never said she prefers Florida Man over Bernie.

So you want a coalition of prior Bernie supporters and whomever you get from the Joe Rogan crowd, and you will continue to alienate the majority of Democrats who aren’t yet on the Bernie train? That’s one of those bold strategies, isn’t it?

WTF am I reading?


My guess: 90% HRC would rather Trump win than Bernie, 50% Obama, and 2% Liz. Even HRC would prefer Bernie’s policies, but he’s worse for their party than Trump.