Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

State by state. But the convention can still be brokered.

But yeah, if there aren’t 3 people splitting states (eg Warren always 3rd place), he can get 50% of the delegates with 30% of the vote or whatever.

I think the talk/odds of that is overblown but it’s a certainly possible scenario.

Found a soulmate for you microbet


Dumbfounded by lots of smart people on here being critical of the Rogan endorsement.

Have we learned nothing?

Yet again we come back to this horribly failed concept of when they go low we go high bullshit. Win at all costs. The future of our country and humanity is squarely at stake here. Don’t fuck this up because Rogan endorses some placebo brain meds on his show to morons who willingly buy whatever he’s selling. Take the W and be happy about it. Rogan is more influential than the New York Times. It’s a great endorsement for Bernie.


I need to get this out of my system.

Can somebody tell Trolly that the thing about “ask black people (et al… _____ people) and listen to them” is a shortcut to teach people like him to be less racist but the actual thing is a set of concepts much more complex. It’s not meant to be a way to game the scantron by just filling in the C-bubble.

“Trolly, do you thing young black males like getting bodily harmed and murdered by police and do you think their parents like being worried for their sons, or do you think they dislike it, like, a lot?”

“Oh good heavens, as a white person I wouldn’t presume to speak for black people and their experiences. Maybe we should ask them and hear what they have to say.”

Word up dog.

I love that the “cares about black people” side of this thing is one step away from saying “slavery ended and we all lived happily ever after, I don’t even know why they still complain” and two steps away from saying “you know, if slavery was just house slaves doing some light housework or acting as personal assistants and kicking it and learning the violin and reading and shit in their spare time, it wouldn’t have even been bad really” but that’s what happens when you engage in kneejerk nonsense.

Ok last one. Maybe.

To my knowledge a " jizzmopper" is a janitor at a pornography theater and while I don’t know if that’s worse than ten slaveries it certainly doesn’t seem like a sweet gig!

But I’m gonna be charitable and assume Trolly wasn’t using the plight of the semen cleaning proletariat as a pejorative, like, a job so lacking in dignity that only a worthless excuse for a human would work it. Contextually, that’d just be fucking weird man.

Capitalism 2020 Baby: Only the worthless are slaves now! ok lol i’m done

I should say that I used to post on Rogans old forum that was full of Trump supporters. 100% of t hem hated Joe since Trump won and thought he was a liberal cuck piece of shit commie even before Bernie went on.

Same on /r/JoeRogan.

Trump supporters everywhere hate Joe. Dude preaches about healthcare for everyone, treat immigrants well, free college, and shits on Trump regularly. Yeah he’s a bit of a dumbass but he’s a good ally. He captures the libertarian bro who is actually in the middle.

Also I’ll leave this here.

Yeah Joe platforming alt right idiots is stupid but he’s far from horrible and this is a great endorsement.


Don’t know if true but saw on the Twitters that Biden, Warren, and GOPete all asked to be on Rogan and he turned them down. hahahaahahahahahahahahahaahaha

It’s clear they all wanted his endorsement so that makes this even more ridiculous.


If you grow weary of the discourse let me know and I’ll really spell out your point.

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Yeah I saw a clip where Rogan told Jimmy Dore that they all asked to be on his show and he told them to fuck off lmao

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It’s kind of hilarious when you think about it. Rogans endorsement is legit the most important and impactful endorsement of the entire 2020 election.

This fucking country lol.

I also have a lot of friends who listen to Joe Rogan. They fit Wesinjapans description to a t


IMO yes.

Has voices from the left like Kyle Kulinski, Edward Snowden and (I think) Cenk Uygur (sp?) as well.

His audience does tend to be male white people who would be more inclined to vote Trump. So it’s definitely worth noting.

Nunnehi spinning in his grave over this maddow hate


Again, you don’t have to do this.

Looking forward to the much-coveted Jordan Peterson endorsement.

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Curious why this bothers you so much… I really am looking forward to it. First of all, it’ll be fun to have Sanders as the nominee cuz I support him and think he’ll be a great jolt to the Dem party, but it will also be fun to watch the Bernie hipsters have to accomodate the neophytes. :D

I’ve never listened to Rogan, but have some friends who do and my understanding of him and his fan base is pretty much exactly these ^

We can start back up the Intellectual Dork Web thread to shit on Rogan and his peers, which I will gladly partake in, but I am 100% glad that he endorsed Bernie vs not endorsing anyone, and think it is a good thing for the movement. Pulling disaffected young men away from the alt right is a good thing, and this is a step in the right direction. Next step, get Rogan to stop palling around with chodes like Peterson, but I’ll take what I can get right now.