Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Anyway, how do I change my badge to WAAF?

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Make a post here…

Grunching; I like your point, even though it’s stated the meanest (edit: and cryptic) way possible.

Nobody ever wants to blame actual voters, because those voters are their family and friends.

Like with trump, centrists are blaming Putin, leftists are blaming Hillary, neither are blaming their racist uncle who actually dragged his racist ass down to the voting booth.


microbet on Team Misanthrope now lfg

I hope we crush tomorrow Bern Bros and Sisters. Mega nervous. :mask:


Not really. I think ignorant is the biggest group and a lot of people are selfish, but we live in a society that makes people feel stupid if they aren’t selfish. As far as ignorance goes, I’m not especially proud of having wasted so much time on following these scoundrels.

I love how clear your thoughts are lol.

It’s really the thing that most separates Unstuck from 2+2. Clarity of thought vs button mashing.

Here’s to 100 more years of Unstuck. No matter what happens, politics will be fucked, and we will be here to complain.

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He said the thing!


Please, at least let’s crush Bloomberg out of this race. Bernie needs to win decisively. Even if he doesn’t, Bloomberg needs to get so few delegates that there’s just no chance of a contested convention.

Look, I want Bernie at this point, but it needs to be with 50%+1 at least. If Joe has to win, then I want the same for him. There needs to be zero chance for a second ballot. We cannot afford it as a country.


Trump is only one layer of bad guys. He’s a cheap AI-cheating video game boss that incites you to pump quarters into the machine and distracts you from the fact that the developers are stealing your money and have been forever. First you’re mad that the AI cheats, but then you realize that the weak characters you’re forced to chose from were also created by the developers. Gamers are outraged and want Bernie Sanders as a playable character. Instead, the developers fold all of the shitty characters into one ultra feeble Centrist Voltron. But the patch was rushed, you find a glitch to pick Bernie Sanders at the character selection screen, and just when you’re about to press start the black suits rush in and pull you off the machine.


I think you’re right, but I think Bloomberg is going to get his way and you aren’t.

Milwaukee is going to be (am I using this correctly?) lit.

My daughter is going to be there. Maybe I’ll have to find a way to go too and try to keep her from getting in too much trouble.

I can give you a list of about 50 right now that volunteered for Pete down here.

Also, why is it a bad thing if a candidate can sway people from Trump? You and I think of politics completely opposite. I WANT those people, because I want to defeat Trump. If I can find a candidate who will steal votes from him, to me, that’s good.

You want ideological purity, I guess?

Let me ask you a hypothetical. If Bernie wasn’t in it and it came down to Pete and Biden and you heard this guy say he’d support Pete or vote for Trump…would you be ridiculing him or pushing him away?

Establishment Voltron


Of course there are many people who would likely vote for somebody-other-than-bernie over trump but would likely vote for trump over bernie. I would guess that the majority of these folks are older and have “made it” and are comfortable in their lifestyle and their world. Bernie represents (at least in their minds) actual visceral CHANGE which scares the crap out of them. It’s analogous to the Edems “preferring” Trump over Bernie, though I hope that is not actually true.

Occasionally an election comes along and it truly is about a movement. Bernie represents that movement. He wants to move the country forward in a direction carved out by FDR, JFK, LBJ, and others. The great unknown is whether he/we can generate sufficient appeal and momentum to carry the day in the face of Trump (and the Edems and other comfortable dems).

Pete will sway the multi-millionaire investment banker away from Trump. Bernie will sway the plumber away from Trump. There are more plumbers.


I hope so

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Honestly, if we can’t win this one then there are just more establishment people than us and our argument was not compelling enough. The establishment has been horribly disorganized this entire election and are finally getting this ish together when its probably too late. I heard a story a few days ago that said Biden hadn’t been in a super tuesday state in over a month, and that he literally has 1 office in California with a padlock on the door. This HClinton all over again but this time without the day 1 mandate from the DNC and year of ‘super delegates said the primary is over’ talk.

I can tell you this for sure as I have great experience on the topic, when you need to work with other people you will often need to ignore things you perceive as poor faith and ill will. Often even talking about it largely pointless and only detracts from the larger goal. Trust is gained by goodwill not the opposite, and someone has to take the first step (perhaps it is you?) or eye for an eye will perpetuate. So while I understand there is likely a desire to continue to litigate Pete, Warren and others, you are doing no favors for the cause IMHO.


One of the things that pisses me off most about this cycle is that 2016 should have been Hill v Biden. With both going away forever after Trump wins. I get why Biden didn’t run in 2016, but still, augghhh

Now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.


I hope nearly the entire field of these people go away forever in 2024.

Let’s face it, Pete won’t.