Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

There was a big pushback. Mostly from conservative Jews. Some from liberal Jews - certainly the Chuck Schumery type of “liberal”. Just look at the response to when AOC did it.

Is there any amount of bad Joe Rogan would have to be that celebrating his endorsement becomes morally inappropriate? Like it seems you don’t think that Rogan is nearly as problematic as I’m making him out to be, but say I could persuade you that he is. It seems like you’d say it’s still clear that Bernie should celebrate his endorsement because the net effect is positive. Is the net effect always positive? What if he gets endorsed be the most prominent anti-vaxxer on social media, and he celebrates that endorsement without being like wtf anti-vaxxers are morons, that wouldn’t bother you?

I don’t think he knows what any of those words mean.

Okay, that’s not charitable. I don’t know, I haven’t actually seen the slavery thing yet.

If they didn’t both work a sugar plantation in Jamaica and a “shitty job in the service industry” how would they know? Dog you have a PhD. A PhD in Science!

Also, it’s totally possible to, like, “know” black people.

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I mean, respectfully, WTF am I reading here:

Not surprisingly, AOC – who’s made baseless calls for the president to be impeached in recent weeks – took swipes at America and our commander in chief, claiming, “we are losing to an authoritarian and fascist presidency.” She added, “I don’t use those words to just throw bombs. I use that word because that is what an administration that creates concentration camps is. A presidency that creates concentration camps is fascist, and it’s very difficult to say that.”

This is what happens when unhinged Democrats can’t take down Trump – and undo the will of 63 million Americans who voted for him in 2016 – with far-fetched conspiracy theories involving “Russian collusion” during the presidential cycle. Since that manufactured tale has been officially debunked by the findings of a 22-month special counsel investigation, far-left radicals like AOC are now comparing the administration and U.S. customs officials to Nazis – who murdered 6 million Jews during the Holocaust.

I don’t pretend to have my finger on the pulse of what Jewish-Americans think about the Trump era, but it really seems like they’re on the forefront of calling ICE a bunch of Nazi jizzmoppers?

So, just chatting, not arguing or mad at anyone…

Jews use the words “Never Again”, but there are really two ways in which Jews mean this. Some Netanyahuy Jews mean, this will never happen to Jews again. We will get nuclear weapons and put walls up to keep the enemy out and take whatever land we need to guarantee that this never again happens to Jews. And some Jews mean it’ll never happen to anyone again, not if we can help it. Mostly Jews meant the latter until like the Reagan era. It’s why the white people at the front of the civil rights marches, the activists who were murdered along with Black people in the south were mostly, or at least way out of proportion, Jews. It’s Bernie Sanders in that picture where he’s being arrested and pretty near when he said what he said that we’re talking about now. A minority still, in the US anyway, but now too many Jews mean Never Again in the first way.


I’m pretty sure you’ve seen me arguing with the Trumpy Jews about this on 2p2.

He hyped it up exactly the way he should have hyped it up, having clips of Rogan saying how much of a straight shooter and honest he is. That’s his biggest asset to the non politicos, that he seems like a guy who’s not trying to make it rich being a sleezy politician.

Fifth, but a strong fifth.

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Still not time to get excited. If Bernie gets half of Warren he doesn’t even have 30%. Biden is getting most of the Bloomberg and Buttigieg voters. Bernie has to take a big chunk of Biden supporters to win.

Pete Bu Satan

[x] bastard obv.

I mean,

I don’t know who needs to hear this but shaming people for talking topically, however tangentially, about what they want to talk about on a topic is literally worse than literal slavery.

I get that some people just want an aggregator for the latest polls and newsclips in order to respond “Oh my, how delightful!” or “Oh no, how frightful!” but that’s why God made scrollwheels.

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He doesn’t have to get 50% of votes, he just has to get the delegates. The more people running, the less votes he needs. Bernie thinks he needs to get it to HU quickly, but I’d argue the opposite. Warren is falling, sure Yang/Gabbard are hurting his anti votes (and internet troll votes) but bloom/pete/klob/steyer are all eating biden’s votes and they’re all getting 10% in some state atm.

btw, if it ends up bernie 20, and everyone else short of 15 somewhere he gets all of them.

Those are the rules?

according to this, it almost is. (since some states split up all of that by district, I think Iowa is one of those, so people can get like 1 or something silly)

if nobody gets to 15, everyone 5 and above gets whatever shares.

basically bernie is rooting for in the early states outside of winning himself

steyer to not drop out before SC, pete to finish ahead of biden in Iowa, klob to do well enough in Iowa she doesn’t drop out, etc.

obviously, biden wants steyer/pete/klob gone ASAP.

Ok, but what if there are multiple over 15%, which is likely.

Bernie 30%
Biden 25%
Warren 20%

over 15% is split up so bernie would get 30%, Biden 25%, Warren 20% of whatever that state is (assuming of course, that particular state isn’t doing that by district).

State by state. But the convention can still be brokered.

But yeah, if there aren’t 3 people splitting states (eg Warren always 3rd place), he can get 50% of the delegates with 30% of the vote or whatever.