Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

This guy gets it.

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But Rogan nods periodically during the video.


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Ronald Reagan has endorsed Bernie. Ron Jr.

I’m not getting worked up about it, I said it was a slight problem and man was I ever promptly and assiduously corrected by an avalanche of dispassionate reasoning


musical interlude

now back to Analogies 102: Using Measured Hyperbole For Dramatic And Artistic Effect

Let’s reaffirm our solidarity with a poll, which makes you long for the Wuhan coronavirus in your veins more?

  • Slavery gate
  • Rogan gate

0 voters


The border camps are concentration camps by definition.

Calling the border crisis a holocaust would be a better analogy, and I think people would correctly object to that

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BS. “Concentration Camp” invokes the holocaust the same way Slavery invokes the 17th-19th century African to New World slave trade and not Roman slavery or people picking your tomatoes who are held behind barbed wire during harvest season in Mexico.


Thinking of it now I was offended on this site either today or yesterday with a picture of Trump as Hitler. I didn’t say anything, but that’s fucked up imo.

Trump is no war criminal, that’s for sure.

No. Slavery has a definition also. And there were people in the 1970s and even today who can correctly be called victims of slavery. It’s just that millions of service industry employees in the US definitely can’t be.


You should listen to this podcast
Or read this book by the author being interviewed in it (I only listened to the podcast)

You may be right that for most people concentration camps mean one thing and that’s the camps used in the Holocaust to kill millions of Jews, but I found this very persuasive that it’s useful to have a broader concept of concentration camps for a variety of detention schemes, rather than it having a singular connotation of what the Nazis did.

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No. Everyone thinks what Bernie said in 1976 was insensitive to Black people because that’s what they associate with Slavery and people associate concentration camps with the holocaust. When people protest the ICE detention centers they don’t call them “concentration camps” because they mean any camp with a high density of occupancy. They are referring to the holocaust. No holocaust and no calling them concentration camps. They wouldn’t call them concentration camps, have someone go “huh?” and explain, “you know, from Boer Wars”.

But, like, I know they (we) are doing it because we really don’t want people in cages, not because we’re trying to say the holocaust wasn’t that bad. The right wing is offended or feigns offense over this because they want people in those camps.

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I’m somewhat familiar with Andrea Pitzer and heard her talk one or two times about that book - Democracy Now and maybe Mitch Jeserich (Not podcasts! On the radio.)

That’s just wrong. Here is the start of the Wikipedia on the Internment of Japanese Americans

It’s completely apolitical to correctly call concentration camps concentration camps.

Vote for Bernie because you have nothing to lose but your chains.

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I’ll grant you this because I think it’s a fair point, but eh… I don’t see a big pushback from the Jewish community when people call CBP migrant camps “concentration camps.” Far from it, the Jewish activist community seems to be at the forefront of calling these people Nazi dickholes as far as I can tell.

Like, if a big portion of the black community comes forward and says that having a shitty job in the service industry is indeed equivalent to working a sugar plantation in Jamaica, I will reconsider. But ahhh, right now it feels like it’s hyperbolic and maybe we can push for worker’s rights without going there.


Can we just stop the infighting and get back to calling out these fucking ghouls:


I need to know Rogan’s thoughts on using hyperbole in an analogy for dramatic and artistic effect.