Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I just saved 15% on my car insurance, so what?

Of course. So you have receipts for Rogan as a racist preacher equivalent or is it about who he had on his show? Because I’m pretty sure no one would have batted an eye about a Rachel Maddow endorsement of anyone despite her common use of inhumane monsters as guests.

At the time, him saying on stage that the Iraq War was a disaster was heterodox, as were his views on free trade. An absolute TON of right-wingers pivoted directly from “economics 101 lol libtards” to “let’s have a trade war with China”.

[quote=“microbet, post:1662, topic:860, full:true”]
How about explain to me why you Christian dudes get to call anything outside of the holocaust concentration camps?[/quote]

OK. So there’s a lot to unpack here. I’m not a Christian, but I’m a basic Gentile dude, so you’re close enough.

First off, the term “concentration camp” was a term of art long before the Holocaust. I think you’d be hard-pressed to argue whether it’s the Jews or the Boers or the Japanese that own that phrase. This is a nitty point I guess.

Secondly, and more importantly, no I don’t think I get to call “anything outside of the holocaust” a concentration camp. That’s kinda the whole point. When it comes to what CBP is doing at the border, I think that fits every normal definition of what a concentration camp is. This doesn’t seem like an exaggeration to me at all. But if someone says working for Starbucks is like being in a Nazi labor camp, I’m going to say “no, that’s an offensive comparison.”

So I get that workers are badly exploited and I’m 100% on the Sanders train, but comparing working in the service industry to Antebellum slavery is gross and wrong. Look, anyone who’s been in politics for 4,000 years is gonna say something off the cuff that’s not totally cool, my outrage factor over this is almost zero, can we all just take an L and move on.


If you want to torture me, as you have from time to time, I can get receipts for you that Rogan doesn’t merely have terrible people on his show, but that he nods along with and agrees with a lot of the things they say. If you have Rachel receipts of nodding along with torture then you’ll have a compelling analogy, otherwise you’re conflating the morally dubious practice of having bad people on your show to analyze other shit and the practice of actively promoting terrible shit.

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If people want to say “wage slavery” only applies to black people and “wage indentured servitude” applies to white people then I’ll grant that level of woke framing on the grounds that it’s actually quite clever.

Oh right free trade vs not. You are correct. I think they were already starting to pivot that way on the internet blogs at least. and yes the anti war which wasn’t true but the media pushed it anyway.

Ah yes, who can forget those indentured servants (workers in the gig economy?) who built those pyramids.

Just like the Bernie train


I don’t want to torture you. And I don’t listen to Rogan. Probably less than 10 minutes total. Not that I don’t like him, I just don’t listen to podcasts other than computer programming podcasts.

I’m just peeved about some of the hate that some shows get for their guest by some of the same people who seem to never worry about people like CIA directors as guests. It’s not just a Joe Rogan thing.

Except when it’s 15 people shitting on Liz & Pete it’s peak scholarship

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choo choo motherfuckers


Guess what, Joe Rogan has CIA bros on all the time. This is a painless receipt so you can have it (5 days ago).

The dude believes in Bigfoot, what in fuck are we even talking about here. Everything hurts in 2020.


totally sincere fyp

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Pretty sure his point isn’t that Reagan doesn’t have shitty people on but that everyone is losing their mind about Reagan because he has shitty people and they wouldn’t do the same regarding mainstream libs


Fuck Reagan

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Wait, what?

I’m moving on and definitely not watching a 2hr youtube of some rando CIA officer turned media consultant or something.

I’m not a fan of Reagan at all but people are getting too worked up over this endorsement when they wouldn’t get worked up over other endorsements because of what team the person might be on

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