Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

John Brennan, a fucking torturer, and Michael Hayden, also a torturer and the guy responsible for implementing that shit that Snowden blew the whistle on are regular guests of Rachel Maddow’s. Is Rachel utterly reprehensible?


My posting in this thread suggests that, yes, I do think people need that explained to them.

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I mean he won the election largely on the back on overwhelming racist support so they would be right i guess?

I have a wild idea, let’s win at all costs by taking corporate money like Pete Bu Satan.


Come on man. Bernie can tweet the endorsement without sacrificing his integrity. You can’t take corporate money and say the same. False equivalence.

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Does Rachel Maddow ever nod along for 2 hours while Brennan advocates for torture? That’d be utterly reprehensible.

This thread has become unreadable.


I’m not ever comfortable with the toxic-ass Roganbros getting on the Bernie hype train, but on the other hand I’ll take any port in a storm.


But she’s fine. She just nods along with other stuff while the guy who was pulling out people’s finger nails sits there and talks about responsible governance. I don’t watch Rogan - other than the clip about apple cider where Peterson humiliates himself and Rogan doesn’t nod along, but, really…lol. The “liberal” news media loves horrible people like John Brennan and Michael Hayden and Henry fucking Kissinger who went around murdering millions of people. No one who watches that has any business being revolted because someone had Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro as a guest.


Rogan is probably one of a very few endorsements that may actually matter. This isn’t some WGAF endorsement like the NY Times or Hillary or something that literally will impact no one. He has a cult like following, not to mention basically the most popular show in existence right now.

Bernie has a tough road ahead and would be a moron to do anything besides what he is doing.


He should celebrate it in the same way that he should celebrate an endorsement from Kim Kardashian if he received one.


Is there a person or group whose endorsement, despite its electoral utility, would be repugnant to celebrate?

David Duke. Not expecting that one tho.

If Rohan’s the worst Bernie does, then he’s just fine for all but the most dove soap of purity testers.


John Brennan’s, The Chamber of Commerce, Jamie Dimon.

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What about Wesley Clark?

Colin Powell?

But WHY? There’s no purpose to this, it’s just a moral game you’ve invented. Deplatforming people has a purpose; the idea is to not let people spread their toxic views. Rogan and his show will exist whether you like it or not, Rogan himself is a grab-bag of ideas some of which are good and some bad, it’s much more likely that Rogan will create new Bernie fans than that Bernie celebrating the endorsement will create new Rogan fans. There is no moral or practical imperative to not celebrate Rogan’s endorsement, period. It’s just not the case that we don’t create political coalitions with people we frequently disagree with.

The best way to make people adopt Bernie’s ideas, by the way, is to get them to vote for him. People vote for a candidate and then they align with the candidate’s positions, it’s not the other way around. We saw that very clearly with Trump last cycle.


How about the endorsement of like some super racist Southern preacher who can deliver you a state or something, is that a problem?

Biden has Michael Avanatti’s endorsement.

eh, what trump position is different than most republicans? Even immigration most R voters really didn’t agree with the jeff flakes on that in the first place.