Dealing with Deplorable Family and Friends

Sorry. Disagree with this. Trump was a freak and a very weird dude. At any time, he could tweet about nuking hurricanes or some such nonsense. Biden is your standard predictable milk toast Prez. Very little entertainment value.

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This sounds like “both sides” nonsense to me. The Trump admin was a daily spectacle of ineptitude. I am sure some people got “outraged” but mostly people watching were watching it more like the way people rubberneck at crash sites on the highway. There is no spectacle at all to Biden.

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I mean here is every Biden tweet in the last 24 hours

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I’m mad that he’s still trying to make Build Back Better a thing.


Trump could go on a tweetstorm about a random celebrity at 3 AM while President! To compare his social media to Biden is wild.

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I remember reading Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them and being very bizarrely entertained by Franken recounting his screaming match with Hannity about Rush’s “White House dog” crack in 1993 about 12-year-old Chelsea.

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lol, has enough presence of mind to realize “it’s not spain” didn’t sound quite right, and changes it to “it’s not mexico”.

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I couldn’t tell if he was also blaming a Spanish or Mexican person for 9/11 but it seemed that way lol.

The Mexicans are stealing all the jobs - even the Islamic fundamentalist terrorist jobs!

The best part was claiming he trains Chuck Liddell types.

I think that connection comes in from the RWNJ media that have been trying to scare the Olds by saying terrorists are entering through the unprotected, expansive US southern border. I may perhaps be injecting a little too much thought though, guy is obviously a racist freak and weird dude.

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Had a deplorable coworker bring up hitler in a positive way the other day. The coworker understands that the system is unfair and makes our lives way harder, but it can’t be the system itself, it’s gotta be Jews.

I’m still giving it my best to get my parents vaccinated to no avail. It’s pretty much an emotional hedge at this point in case they do die I will feel fine with my efforts to convince them.


Send them some Herman Cain awards. That site seems to be converting people.


17 posts were split to a new topic: Dealing with aging parents

Not a friend or family, but I did have to deal rather intimately with a deplorable yesterday. Oral surgeon in my home town was recommended to me for wisdom teeth removal. Was told he was grumpy but good. While he’s in there hacking at tooth number three he brings up the woman who got arrested for faking her vax card. Cool so far, but then he tells his assistant they’re going for a felony charge “but they’ll bring all these Covid positive Haitians over and spread them all over the country.”

A Boomer has thoughts

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My mom has posted that same Facebook meme in various forms countless times.