COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Did we laugh at Faucci for saying the quiet part out loud?

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Knock it off with advocating health care reform in the USā€¦??..wat?

Which side are you on.?
The track weā€™re on is just the money-sucking shit train of health providers and health insurance leeches.

Iā€™m hoping the entire fucking system doesnā€™t collapse and people who need essential surgeries get them. Not sure how obtuse you have to be to not get that, but somehow you got there.

Trolly, this doesnā€™t make sense. Please parse.

Team NBZ says UHC, unless Iā€™m mistaken. And the system you mention is a real shit system.

Edit: I get weā€™re on similar thought trains, but NBZ has a point about something needing to break.

This is why the first rule of poker is never, ever fold.


A post was merged into an existing topic: About Moderation

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: About Moderation

He didnā€™t and you are. Or else youā€™re just trolling.

I chose to be non-specific and let the reader envision their own preferred changes to the health care system.

This is basically it. We have a significant segment of the population who are so far-gone that it would take a palpable catastrophe directly affecting them to get some of them to change their minds. And thatā€™s only some, not all.

The entire health care system collapsing probably causes less collateral damage than outright civil war, so Iā€™m actually looking to minimize the transitional costs.

Iā€™m not getting the connection between COVID spreading like wildfire and UHC. Even if we had perfect UHC now, COVID would still overwhelm capacity. The problem is that there are not enough beds for everyone who needs care at this time.

I just donā€™t see how someone looks at our current debacle and says, ā€œSurely this will persuade the US to move to UHCā€. UHC wouldnā€™t actually fix this problem.

The long-term result will be less healthcare for the middle class with a pay for service healthcare system for the wealthy.

If you break the current health care system bad enough, society would have no choice but to invent something new to replace it. Or just have the Somalia of health care systems, which is a real risk.

If you make the middle class suffer enough, maybe theyā€™ll be motivated to revolt.

And 1352 today.

Really hope this doesnā€™t impact my orthopedic appointment next week for my broken shoulder.


It isnā€™t going to be this dramatic thing. It is going to be a death by 1000 cuts.

Wishing you luck, my aunt got in by a week for a similar injury here in MA. Everything like that shut down for the near future now.

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No. They would certainly have a choice. They could just say, ā€œHealth care system was fine. COVID broke it, but that was just a one off thingā€. Weā€™ll just rebuild what we had. After all, people love their their health insurance".

Eventually, weā€™ll get to the straw that breaks the camelā€™s back. If not COVID, then maybe the next thing.

Yeah, if anything the response will be ā€œthe government didnā€™t do a good job with covid so letā€™s privatize the CDC and FDAā€.

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