COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Also Ontario

The CDC is about to get the bipartisan disdain and funding levels previously reserved for the IRS

Curiously, immediately after the first of my three Moderna shots, my hand in that arm became extremely sore. I mentioned it to the National Guardsman who was monitoring the parking lot area where people were asked to wait 15’ before driving off, and he just shrugged.

Since I had never heard anyone else complain of this, I assumed I pulled a muscle in my hand as I awkwardly reached into my pocket for something just prior to the person coming up to the car window to jab me.

The CDC has been a complete joke at every turn since the pandemic started, imho.


It’s happened to me during a blood donation, my understanding was the needle nicked a nerve that ran to that part of my wrist. The sensation was immediate and lasted a few days.


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well, some people are getting hopeful about london on twitter hitting their peak but who knows. Would be a scary fucking peak, but if it’s quick maybe not as bad?

NSW is the new London. Going supernova right now. 21,150 new cases today. Scaled up to the population of the US that would be 850,000. I don’t have the exact positivity number but it’s on the order of 14%. Probably not quite as bad as it sounds because testing capacity is not coping and PCR testing is being rationed to only the most likely cases.

93.6% of 16+ double-vaxxed and 78.3% 12-15 so clearly vax doesn’t do shit against transmission. Don’t know how many boosted. Would guesstimate 25% but might be way off.

How full are the hospitals?

So you’re posting this to confirm the “conspiracy” right? Because I’m only seeing an economic argument and not a public health argument.



Which vaccines are they using down under?

89,400 total cases so it’s in a very steep ramp-up, 839 in hospital, 69 ICU.

Pfizer and AZ. Don’t have the breakdown but majority Pfizer especially among younger people. Tiny bit of Moderna too but it was approved late so rare.


The US being completely unable to provide any kind of basic government service is enraging. How the fuck is it this hard to get tested TWO FUCKING YEARS INTO THIS? Oh and if you find a test somehow of course you’re paying out of pocket. Fucking hate this stupid country sometimes.


Putting her right in the toilet seems excessive.

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No bath in there so can’t be a bathroom… No powder either :wink:

I’m willing to cut the US a bit of slack here. There has been a massive surge in testing demand in the last 10 days that far exceeded the demand in the prior calendar year.

So, it’s a bit understandable that it’s hard to get a test. Having said that, a more competent government would have been able to anticipate this better.

What were they supposed to do? Just send one to every American? How much does that cost?