COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

We didn’t forget, we just weren’t willing to carry on like that forever.


Also Ontario

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Yes, I believe the propper term is “shitter”


Chris Pagel seems super skeptical, she thinks it is a false dawn based on holiday reporting and testing issues.

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Mix of good and bad in this preprint, but some good news for boosting, at least initially.

this event was almost all the best players in the world…

Blitz players should only have to quarantine themselves for 15 minutes or so.


Yeah, IIRC, that’s the CDC rec


You should probably tweet that so you get credit. You know like the dude who ate the plums and its cool if he writes a poem about it.

Tweet it at an American GM.


well the courts don’t work thanks to you assholes

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Sounds like some optimism we will now have a moderna under 5 vax available by March.

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Yeah don’t miss that. I broke my shoulder and didn’t follow up on it was not my best decision ever.

Ruined their place in future movies forever.

You don’t need surgery on it, right?

The good news is you can find some pretty good rehab routines on youtube. You want to do range of motion exercises from pretty early on. I broke my collarbone this year and the follow up ortho appts were like 5 minutes, where he’d be, yup it looks good, here’s a physical therapy referral. And then physical therapy was kind of waste of money because it was mostly just doing all the same exercises I already learned online.

But at no point have we had easily available and hopefully free testing.

We should have had free tests on the counter of every business in the country. They should have been littering the streets.

The testing failure has existed across the spectrum of the pandemic. When quick home tests became a thing the plan should have been to produce them at ridiculous volume.

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New York seems to be doing a pretty decent job of ramping up testing. They’ve been processing about 300k tests per day over the past week, and they’ve really expanded the number of testing sites. I was able to get a free PCR test this morning on the sidewalk with like a 10 minute wait, and I didn’t even have to give any insurance info.

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Don’t know yet. Hoping not.

Oh, gotcha. GL!