COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

My wife and kids are all pozzed (symptoms + positive home antigen test), and I’m doing very little isolation from them (almost none really). My vax is holding like a champ. They were also as vaxxed as possible.


Moderna or Pfizer?

Come on man… Let’s be reasonable here…

Me: Pfizer, Pfizer, Moderna
Wife: Moderna, Moderna, Pfizer
Kids: Pfizer x 2

I’d start with forced vaccination, holding people down if you have to. If that’s enough to bring down hospitalizations so that the health care system is no longer stressed and ICUs are no longer full, then that’s good enough and no further measures are necessary.


Im not disagreeing with what you are saying FWIW. Science says that we need a circuit breaker lockdown. We have a handful of weak local mask mandates and the CDC telling us, eh, 5 days isolation seems fine since we are going to run out of workers.

Doctors on twitter are posting this, leisure travel is back to pre pandemic levels basically.

Not advocating for giving up, just acknowledging the reality that this time hospitals are ngmi. Yeah Id say, individually, best advice is to try not to catch COVID during this wave since medical care is gonna be real dicey, but on a societal level the game is already over here.

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Booster shot (Pfizer) trip report. Went to my local Walgreens. Had a guy talking into his phone about “let’s go Brandon” behind me in line. Filling out the form online did nothing. The computer system was having issues, so I had to fill it out on paper.

I had immediate pain in my wrist. This subsided and by the time I got home, I had minimal soreness in my arm.

Ready for my Omicron Adventure birthday trip to Vegas in a couple of weeks.


Not only would I not want to fly right now, I really, really wouldn’t want to be in an airplane a week or two from now. We’re just starting to see the Christmas spread. We could easily go 10x from where we are now.

I think we’re going to see triages happening in the next two weeks and possibly complete health system breakdowns in some areas. Shit is barely holding together.

Florida COVID update: State sees the largest multi-day case increase on record

Florida on Thursday reported 77,848 additional COVID-19 cases and 90 more deaths to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to Miami Herald calculations of CDC data. The large increase comes from the CDC backlogging cases and deaths for Florida on Mondays and Thursdays, when multiple days in the past have their totals changed.

In August, Florida began reporting cases by the “case date” rather than the date the case was logged into the system, resulting in a number of cases back-filling over time.

All but 59 of the newly reported cases — about 99.9% — occurred since Dec. 2, according to the Miami Herald analysis.

This is the largest multi-day increase of newly reported cases since the pandemic began in March 2020. The previous multi-day record was set during the height of the delta wave this past summer when 56,036 cases were reported on Aug. 16.

All but 26 of the newly reported deaths — about 71% — occurred since Dec. 2, according to the Herald analysis. About 50% of the newly reported have died in the past two weeks, the analysis showed.

Read more at:

I’m sure things suck in Florida, and not directed at you at all, but I’m past the lol Florida/lol red state stage of the pandemic.


Went to get boosted at a pop up van. Line of 50 people in front of me. Literally no personnel were there for about 15 mins, then a couple showed up to check people in. Finally after about 25 mins of waiting there 4 people were brought into the van for jabs. People with appointments were waking up and could skip the line. I’m not great at math, but I left not wanting to wait there for 3 days. Glad we’ve got this all running smoothly after a year of shots.

Was hoping to get it today and have peak antibodies when I travel internationally in a couple weeks, but will have to schedule an appointment for next week now.

Maybe we should be rooting for this to happen as a necessary crisis for shifting public opinion to force action on health care reform.

My wife manages a combo primary care/urgent care office, which apparently was already a dysfunctional idea, but this past month has been a total shitshow. She’s had multiple providers out with COVID or other illnesses all of December, so it’s just been a merry-go-round of calling a million scheduled patients and rescheduling them for appointments that will just have to be rescheduled again. Meanwhile they’ve been told not to turn anybody away no matter how busy, so docs are spending minutes with each patient and staying way late every night. And of course this is still peanuts compared to what hospitals have to deal with.

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You aren’t going to like the reform.

More broadly, what about COVID response is making you say “you know, maybe we need more crises to force action”? Sort of seems like the lesson is that we will burn through the vulnerable like cannon fodder and most of the population will go along with it to keep the status quo in place.


No and kindly knock it off with this.

I think Florida is interesting to watch because it got hit by Delta as hard as anywhere. Apparently that isn’t stopping Omicron.

I’m at the point of thinking we have 0% hope on the current track and 5% hope if we shake things up and unleash forces that we can’t possibly predict, so might as well go with the slim chance where we’re not drawing dead.

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Oh yeah, agreed, was making a side point but probably should have just not jumped off of your post. Parts of India are another early stage example of this.