About Moderation (old original thread)

can JT take his complaints to about moderation please?

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Listen I don’t doubt there are instances that fit what you’re talking about, but you realize that some people =/= the forum at large, right? No forum has everyone thinking in lockstep, in which case we’d just be a hivemind that has nothing to talk about. People talk about their opinions and personal experiences, others chime in and hopefully the people who are closer to correct change the opinions of the ones that aren’t.

Your manifesto before not only accused the forum of becoming a give-up-and-embrace-the-rona party, but also becoming the next iteration of /r/thedonald that eschews all counter opinions. That’s silly and you know it.

This is disappointing that you believe this. Rugby banned you for the continious “dickish” behavior after a warning. Whether anyone agrees with that is a different story but don’t act like you were banned for 24 hours because you have “dissenting voice”.


Thank you for moving this here.

NB: This was what my Like was for and wanted to just let JT know that some of us are reading and making up our own minds.

I beleive that the accusation was a shit-stir.


You post like you care too much about what other people think about you. I post sincere thoughts that get me labeled a troll or edgelord. I don’t need people to agree with me. I don’t need people to love me. I don’t even need people to respect me. I just want a platform to say my piece and move on to my next thought.

You’re using this thread wrong if you’re looking for validation unless you feel validated by making yourself feel like a martyr.

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Is this supposed to be me?

It was a reply to JT.

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JT I don’t even think you have dissenting views in any significant way. You’re not being singled out for dissent. The biggest issue, at least how I feel about it, is the constant aggressive attribution of views to people that simply does not exist, and your refusal to accept that any feedback that your initial impression was wrong.

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Literally no one (ok maybe not literally, but the consensus is vastly weighted towards staying in) here is suggesting going out anyway right now JT.

Stop. You are crossing a line.

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I try to read most posts in the thread and pretty much everyone one of them lately has been telling people to err on the side of caution right now until community spread lowers.


That’s just wrong JT. I suppose that would be the dissent, but it’s entirely fabricated in your head. It’s a disagreement, but factually you’re just wrong and I’m not sure how to convince you of that.

Your tone here is also a perfect example of the dickish behavior you said didn’t exist.

If he’s wrong, maybe you should just let him be wrong and not try too hard to convince him of that after a certain point.

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I actually don’t want you to waste your time. So never mind. We are probably just referencing different periods of time. Yes, people were more willing to recommend going to take trips and visit family when Omricon wasn’t ass blasting us. The last few days of the thread though everyone seems to be on the same page.

Vindication :slight_smile:

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Fine I’m done

Just nice to be right

No more

I usually try not to moderate things unless I can get to it when it’s reasonably fresh but if you’re going to be a dick in the COVID thread and then come to another thread to gloat about your dickishness I’ll make exceptions.

He already banned him…

well it’s kind of hard when he insists on posting 30 times per day that people are doing that