About Moderation (old original thread)

Vindication :slight_smile:

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Fine I’m done

Just nice to be right

No more

I usually try not to moderate things unless I can get to it when it’s reasonably fresh but if you’re going to be a dick in the COVID thread and then come to another thread to gloat about your dickishness I’ll make exceptions.

He already banned him…

well it’s kind of hard when he insists on posting 30 times per day that people are doing that

Is everyone who posts in the covid thread expected to have the same risk tolerance? Should someone who goes grocery shopping in the store next week instead of using curbside pick up expect Johnny’s wrath? Why don’t we just ostracize the people who got pozzed, as obviously they were leading shameful lives of sin that resulted in their mark of unworthiness?


The way i see it, we wouldn’t be in half this mess if we avoided ostracizing people. The fact that the ostracized people happen to be right more often than not is just a bonus.

I fully support the no ostracizing approach.

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This is not helpful, and if you actually cared about moving things forward you wouldn’t do this shit.

Everybody chill the f out, Jesus.


Oh right, you don’t blast spidercrab for going to a show, just the people who didn’t blast him for doing it. Totally different.

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I don’t know what you consider to be good protection, but by my definition, boosters absolutely provide it, and I will keep saying so.

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I think a lot of people read more anger into Johnny’s posts than there actually is. I’ve never gotten a holier than thou vibe from his posts, it’s more disappointment that we’re slowly slipping from vigilance about wearing masks and keeping the Unstuck COVID case count low (I think it took ~6 months after the WHO declared a pandemic before one of us was pozzed) to a more relaxed attitude, mostly because of vaccines. Vaccines alone aren’t enough to end the pandemic, and that’s been his main point.


He was and is right about this. I’m incredibly skeptical at this point literally anything gets us out of the pandemic though. Especially in shithole countries like the US.

It’s every man for himself and always has been unfortunately. Which is going to lead to a wide range even amongst Covid-sane people as to what the right way to live the rest of our lives is. And that seems to be the problem. The debate seems to be people trying to make objective judgments about behavior that is going to be inherently subjective imo. That’s on both “sides” here. And look we all agree on a huge percentage of what we should be doing anyways.

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People just want to be seen. Covid’s been hard.


Lol suuuure

Actually this is probably the best option if it’s available.

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as usual the very convenient double meaning of that acronym holds.


Is this really necessary?

You should really stop with the dickishness.

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Seems kind of dickish and feud-prolonging to point out perceived dickish was instead of flagging and letting the mods handle it.