COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Horrible. “Listen dumb fucks, your betters are telling you to get the shot. Now be a good little dumbass and do it. You did? Well good for you.”

If you told me you were going to represent yourself for a serious crime, and I told you to trust the expert and get a lawyer, would you be insulted?

No one ever has a problem with “trust the experts” that when they need a lawyer, a doctor, a mechanic, a plumber, an accountant, etc.

Just on the vaccine, in which we’re all supposed to be our own experts, and “listen to the experts” is a grave personal insult, for reasons.

That’s not the complaint. The message is “you’re a dumbass and trust the experts” not just “trust the experts”. I bristle at the “much, much smarter than you or me”.

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I don’t know why you would bristle at that. They are. Especially when it comes to this (which is all that matters as far as vaxxing is concerned).

Well, I didn’t need to pop off about the tweet. But, who is it for? The experts are much more knowledgeable about vaxes, virology, pandemics, etc…That doesn’t mean they are much, much smarter than you or me.

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Yeah ok. Know much more would be better.

Interesting pre-print analysis for a possible mechanism explaining how omicron could cause less severe disease while still spreading super efficiently.

These guys are suggesting it doesn’t hit lower lung cells efficiently basically, which would be nice I think. Obviously preliminary.


Allow me to argue against myself from a few posts ago, but bullshit. I do not believe that rocket scientists and brain surgeons are intellectually average. If you get this result you did something wrong.

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Yeah that sounds like an awful study.

Otoh, Ben Carson exists so maybe there’s some truth to it


Previous study shows similar findings…

Im interested to hear from the math experts but it doesn’t sounds right at all. there have been very very few reinfections. saying that it is now 5.4 times more likely to be reinfected and then somehow arriving at prior infection only saving you 19% of the time - doesn’t pass my BS detector.

If i buy 5.4 lottery tickets i don’t have an 80% chance of winning the lottery.

I don’t know what I was doing - I was thinking four times more likely.

Ok let’s say “the protection against reinfection by Delta” was 85%. So my risk is 15%. Which means that 15 people who have had past infection out of 100, or 150,000 out of a million - won’t have protection if they get exposed to delta. I assume.

So what does 5.4-fold higher risk mean? I guess it can only mean that instead of 15/100, my risk is now 5.4*15 = 81/100 = 81%. So my protection would now be 19%.

What’s interesting is using this logic your risk really couldn’t go up 7 times, or you’d be up to 100%.

Using multiples to describe the change in risk here just feels wrong. But I suspect that’s what they’re doing.

Ok, I guess where I disagree is that prior infection only saved you 85% of the time. I would have thought it was > 99%

Yeah I’m just assuming they found some 85% number somewhere and went with the lowest # they could find. Hence “may be as low as”.

Almost no chance protection from reinfection was ever 99 percent after some period of time even pre omnicron.

It might have been for someone who got really sick to first time. You heard almost no stories about people getting really sick twice. And I think they’d have been trumpeting those to convince those people to get vaxxed.

And of course defining “really sick” is always fun.

And who knows how they’re defining “past infection” here.

Several different labs tracking Omicron percentage in the 30% range:

If those data points are at all representative, we’ll likely start seeing the impact in aggregate case numbers very soon.

I think it’s mostly self congratulatory pablum for people that are doing, or at least trying to do, the right thing and are exhausted and frustrated. I think the remaining voluntarily unvaxxed population that can be persuaded is getting pretty small and the rest aren’t going to be convinced by any combination of words. Well, maybe the words “you will receive a $1,000 fine and 30 months in jail if you don’t get the vax” but no one has the political courage to make that happen. Can’t upset the Karens, what if they complain to the manager!

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Already seeing it in New York.

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NGL, kinda considering this for my 15-year-old, who isn’t yet at 6 months and isn’t approved for a booster anyway. He got 2 pfizer doeses, the booster is the same dose as the 1st/2nd jabs, correct?