COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

If you’re worried, then you could just do this:

I’m not saying this is necessary.

The fact that there’s like multiple diseases that are just like “body part + body part disease” with no explanation at all what they are or anything is still really wild to me maybe I’m weird


Don’t understand what’s complicated about it. You get sores on your hands, feet, and mouth. Or on your hoof and mouth if you have hoof and mouth disease.

I mean, the nomenclature may not tell you much about the causative agent, but it’s not like it’s unknown. HFMD is viral, it’s not airborne but still highly contagious via various means, and, like I should have mentioned to @zimmer4141 earlier, you can still be contagious well after symptoms have subsided, unlike many other diseases.

was looking forward to seeing my brother too, but had to cancel the trip over a toddler getting RSV, and an infant being around. :frowning: covid not quite over for kids, but that doesn’t mean all the usual viruses aren’t a shitshow as per usual.

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The Omicron Covid variant has been found to multiply about 70 times quicker than the original and Delta versions of coronavirus in tissue samples taken from the bronchus, the main tubes from the windpipe to the lungs, in laboratory experiments that could help explain its rapid transmission.

The study, by a team from the University of Hong Kong, also found that the new variant grew 10 times slower in lung tissue, which the authors said could be an indicator of lower disease severity.

The initial data, published online and not yet peer-reviewed, came from experiments using lung tissue samples taken from patients during surgery. By 24 hours, the Omicron variant had replicated about 70 times more than Delta and the original variant. Although the bronchus is not the upper respiratory system, scientists said this could lead to people shedding more virus and passing on infections more easily.

R number for Omicron estimated to be between 3 and 5

Dr Susan Hopkins, chief medical advisor at the UK Health and Security Agency, says that for Omicron, the R value is between 3 and 5 in the UK, and that the variant is spreading rapidly - doubling in size every two days.

The current R value of the Delta epidemic in the UK is estimated to be between 1.1 and 1.2.

Further discussion on the Disney World forums from Canadians indicates you can purchase travel insurance that covers Covid through Manulife or Goose for $100. I have no idea what that means.

The insurance industry itself is warning people that their policies might not cover Level 3 travel destinations.

I would be surprised if Manulife is out there on a limb selling policies that offer coverage that the other insurers are not covering. I don’t think the issue is whether the policy “covers Covid” or not, the issue is that supplemental private health insurance for Canadians rather sensibly has exclusions for people that travel to countries with a high risk of medical costs. If people want to ignore government travel advisories and go to shithole countries like Somalia or Florida then they will have to deal with the health care costs on their own.


Has anyone heard anything about how Paxlovid will be rationed? Are there other scarce medications that have restrictive guidelines on who’s allowed to get them?

One tricky aspect is that the death-minimizing strategy would have to involve prioritizing the unvaccinated, but that seems insanely toxic politically.

Thanks. I am going to look into some options like this today. Only other thing that is making think I don’t have to cancel is we are only 4 hour drive from border so worst case we drive straight north to get to Canada and then figure out how to get home once back in the country.

I’m reading that some companies sell specific Covid insurance to add to your normal policy. Essentially a supplement. It sounds like my main underwriter might do this so it’s basically just them collecting some extra money for the risk.

Dumb thing is everyone who will be together is triple vaxxed and only my dad is over 50 so it seems pretty low risk.


Yeah, you can insure against almost anything if you pay enough.

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It’s my understanding that this stuff was for things like the cost of any necessary COVID testing and things like travel cancellation insurance, for example if you tested positive right before your return flight then had to cancel your flight, your normal travel cancellation insurance wouldn’t cover you for that without the additional COVID coverage.

You should definitely look into it carefully, things are changing fast and I’m not really an expert. I just remember getting an alert about this from my employer sponsored health care provider. My normal package includes 100% employer paid out of country coverage so these warnings that my coverage might not apply caught my eye. I had become accustomed to never worrying about needing health care in the US but now the waters are muddied.

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Yes, this is likely the case if monoclonials are guidelines for where this goes to start. High risk vaxxed and the unvaxxed.

Low risk vaxxed seem pretty unlikely to have a severe initial outcome from COVID so makes sense. Bummer if long COVID is a thing but, from a public health standpoint, makes too much sense not to prioritize the unvaxxed

Once again, the virus doesn’t care. Any mutation(s) that allow for better replication and spread should dominate regardless of the Heath impact on the host.

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That’s the R inclusive of all measures? Yowza

I’ll be cancelling my trip if I am not 100% sure we are covered. I’m not risking bankruptcy for it.

Even if we get insurance I think our plan will be to immediately drive home if anyone gets symptoms.

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Maybe some lawbros can weigh in here, but as a practical matter, I don’t think you’re really risking that if you’re Canadian. We don’t have debtors prisons.

If you have an urgent issue, you can go to an ER and they will treat you. Nothing long term, but in most plausible scenarios, they will do enough that you can make it across the border and get anything else you need in Canada.

They will send you a bill. You can just not pay it. What are they going to do to you if you’re back at home in Canada? Is there a legal mechanism for them to come after your assets in another country?