COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

It’s my understanding that this stuff was for things like the cost of any necessary COVID testing and things like travel cancellation insurance, for example if you tested positive right before your return flight then had to cancel your flight, your normal travel cancellation insurance wouldn’t cover you for that without the additional COVID coverage.

You should definitely look into it carefully, things are changing fast and I’m not really an expert. I just remember getting an alert about this from my employer sponsored health care provider. My normal package includes 100% employer paid out of country coverage so these warnings that my coverage might not apply caught my eye. I had become accustomed to never worrying about needing health care in the US but now the waters are muddied.

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Yes, this is likely the case if monoclonials are guidelines for where this goes to start. High risk vaxxed and the unvaxxed.

Low risk vaxxed seem pretty unlikely to have a severe initial outcome from COVID so makes sense. Bummer if long COVID is a thing but, from a public health standpoint, makes too much sense not to prioritize the unvaxxed

Once again, the virus doesn’t care. Any mutation(s) that allow for better replication and spread should dominate regardless of the Heath impact on the host.

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That’s the R inclusive of all measures? Yowza

I’ll be cancelling my trip if I am not 100% sure we are covered. I’m not risking bankruptcy for it.

Even if we get insurance I think our plan will be to immediately drive home if anyone gets symptoms.

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Maybe some lawbros can weigh in here, but as a practical matter, I don’t think you’re really risking that if you’re Canadian. We don’t have debtors prisons.

If you have an urgent issue, you can go to an ER and they will treat you. Nothing long term, but in most plausible scenarios, they will do enough that you can make it across the border and get anything else you need in Canada.

They will send you a bill. You can just not pay it. What are they going to do to you if you’re back at home in Canada? Is there a legal mechanism for them to come after your assets in another country?


This article suggests they can sell your debt to an agency that will chase you in Canada.

They can and even if not I’m not risking not being able to come back to the US.

Luckily, I have confirmed my work plan still covers me. Now we just need to confirm my Dads plan covers him.

I have no intention of getting into a debate but that is such obvious apples and oranges. We are all triple vaxxed and will be tested going, while there once a week and upon return.

I agree there are mechanisms to sue you internationally. However there is no risk that you “wouldn’t be able to come back to the US,”. It’s not like you’d get to a border check and they;d say “Sorry Mr. Clovis, you owe $10,000 to ABC debt collections, no entry for you!”


Yeah I know of no mechanism for border patrol to enforce international debt.

Its sort of a government failure to leave individuals to have to make these sort of decisions. Would have been better practice to just have a system of quarantine for international travel in place until the pandemic is under control, but alas.


You could say the same thing about vaccination in general.

Yeah, can say it on a lot of fronts.

I might have to rethink my pro-vaxx stance now:


Employer sent out an email this morning about the new vax mandates going into effect on 1/3. Hearing people say “it should be my choice to do what I want with my body”, knowing they are almost a lock to be anti-abortion is unbelievably frustrating. Granted I am on the opposite side of those two things, but I think the effect each has on people other than the individual is what matters obviously. Another employee hit a supervisor with the “this is against my federal rights” and was quickly shot down. And “lol, it’s not a vaccine and you know it”. Just utter idiocy.

Of the two or so people who have been hospitalized at my company with Covid, all 20 have been unvaxxed and only 3 vaxxed workers have had to take time off due to covid infections.

Im sure that latter number will go up with Omicron, but those numbers are pretty staggering


The disconnect once widespread vaccinations became available is breathtaking.