COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Speaking of, it’s 8am here and this is opening.

Pfizer booster incoming.


No idea that there was a Cheesecake Factory in town until today. Kinda want to go there now. I’ve heard so much about them!

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Some crazy graphs in this thread:


Seems to mostly be good news.

accidentally posted this in another thread

There is a ton of amazing food in Queens, and the people are 1 billion x less annoying than Manhattan and Brooklyn.

Agree. You can cut the pretentiousness with a knife in Williamsburg.


Wait, we’re allowed to cut those people with knives? WHY WAS I NOT INFORMED!

I would say on balance these days (well, March 2020 anyway, I haven’t been to NY since pre Covid) I actually prefer Manhattan to Brooklyn. Manhattan is overly commercialized but at least it’s transparent about what it is. Brooklyn has a lot of crass commercialization gussied up as “Brooklyn cool”.

SAGE recommends the UK returns to step 2 (no indoor dining, no mixing between households outside of bubbles) immediately with the hope of limited mixing over the 25th-28th.

Unlikely the government is going to act, but real fear in the scientific community that hospitals are going to be overwhelmed in the next several weeks.

Just got boosted + my first ever flu shot. Same arm, we’ll see how that goes soreness-wise. Hoping for only mild side effects since tomorrow looks pretty busy.


Nice. Looks like I will be able to get boosted soon. :grinning:


Same. I think the problem at this point will be getting an appointment, there will be a big surge on Monday to make appointments. I think there are lots of available doses but I don’t have a lot of confidence in the Ontario system to deliver them efficiently. I guess we’ll see Monday.

Surely it’s Lolberta


Currently laid up with what I assume is Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease that I caught from my 5 month old son.

Running a 100-100.5 degree fever so I assume I should let this clear before getting boosted

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I’m like 35-65 that schools here will be remote come January. Think it’s more likely we try for a couple weeks and fail, but just not going back from break definitely possible.

Sadly I think if Omicron turns out to be a nothing burger disease wise (at least for the vaxxed), then fatigue/backlash is going to really kick in. Oz is saturating J! And WoF with feds bungled Covid and “getting our freedoms back”.

I think Coxsackie usually is pretty mild in adults. Do you have a sore throat? You might want to get Covid tested. Two things can happen at once.

Took an at home rapid test and came up negative.

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Related to the lawyer that writes the law blog?


Ok I guess you probably have it. I just know between my two daughters I think we had 4 separate cases of hand foot and mouth and my wife and I never caught it from them. But that’s anecdotal I guess. Doctor google says adults can get it so I guess we were just lucky.