COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

idk who this Toby guy is, but the study heā€™s citing is in Dutch and doesnā€™t seem to come from a reviewed journal.

Met Opera requiring booster shots starting a month from now. First place Iā€™ve seen to do this.

ETA: Both audience and employees.

Iā€™ve heard (by which I mean read in this thread ldo) that Moderna is recommended because itā€™s twice as large a dose as Pfizer.

This is the salient point.

I donā€™t see why you canā€™t get two mRNA. No one is checking that close.

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Heā€™s a Tory gobshite.

Well, I fucked up my booster appointment and accidentally made it for the time I will be on vacationā€¦in lolFlorida. Iā€™ll try to get it when I get back and before I go to lolVegas in early January unless someone cancels and a slot opens up.

lol, not surprising to see Quillette pushing COVID disinfo.

My moderna booster was a half shot.

If I had J&J thatā€™s what Iā€™d do - get the full course of Moderna.

Concur. Thereā€™s no downside.

In Florida can probably walk in and get a booster shot at any time!

The main thing is to go get your shot right now, like today. Thereā€™s potentially not going to be much time for the shot to take effect before things get bad.


Good idea, considering that that the median age of the Metā€™s audience is 112.


First they came for the Cheesecake Factory at a mall in Queens, and I said ā€œum, okayā€


The demographics of people willing to travel right now during the pandemic who travel to NYC and eat at Cheesecake Factory has to be basically all anti-vaxxers anyway, right? Like theyā€™re just going to shut it down for other anti-vaxxers.

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thatā€™s not a very touristy part of NYC, but has very good Thai food. Also right next to the ā€˜coronaā€™ neighborhood. Guessing most of these people are driving in from Long Island.

that neighborhood was devastated in march/April of 2020.


Absolute motherfucking Veruca Salt-ass toddlers.

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