COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Some lab results possibly providing a mechanism for reduced severity of Omicron infections:

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Some caveats worth noting if you don’t view the whole thread.

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Sort of depends. I dont consider Keeed an antivaxxer fwiw.

So if they rang the bell continuously for 42 days around the clock that would then represent one toll for each death. They should do that.

New York City is known for its Cheesecake Factories

They went straight for the heart of the city.

I’d love to hear the debate over which restaurant to hit during the pre-planning sessions for this. I bet it came down to Cheesecake Factory vs. Bubba Gump’s.

I’ve asked this a few times but I get the feeling no one has any idea. If we were constantly testing for flu, common cold, and maybe other viruses that do relatively little harm, I wonder how often the average person would test positive w/o having any symptoms?


Colds probably a lot. I’m just getting over a cold (covid test was negative, and it’s cold symptoms, anyway). The rest of my family is asymptomatic, but I bet there would be a time in the recent past and/or future that they would test positive.

Not sure about flu.


Two places the locals would never go.

This result is basically what I meant, about increasingly feeling out of step here … . I would never consider myself an anti-vax person but this forum would probably say I am. … it’s also a feeling I’ve noticed as a reporter and the whole “blame the media” vibe. And while I’m not the “media” most people mean when they say it, it is my job and in many ways the same … Anyway, interesting

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6 weeks of nonstop bell tolling would probably cause mass violence.


Maybe got themselves a New York slice to pregame


because you guys all seem to have far more informed takes than me…

so i as a lazy (healthy 35 yr old) person that chose J&J because i only had to show up once, want to get a booster i read that i should get the moderna one if available. is that what other people have seen?

i “did my own research” and found a study saying that J&J plus moderna is basically equivalent to the 2xmrna dose, but worse than if i would have correctly gotten the 2xmrna plus an mrna booster, but that’s the boat im stuck in now.

I always laugh when I see the toadmeister - what a twat :yawning_face:



I haven’t seen any studies about the effectiveness of J&J + mRNA against omicron, but I’d get boosted with an mRNA vaccine ASAP, and we’ll see if more data come out about needing a 3rd shot in a few weeks or months for you.


They’re gonna stick it to those Coastal Elites by bringing this protest right to the Cheesecake Factory where all the Wall Street CEOs eat.