COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Whining about the three minutes wasted on that post in the context of dismissing the remaining time of that man in severe pain is a thing you could do

I was not dismissing it. Literally the first words I wrote were bemoaning what a terrible situation it is. I even clarified it for you in a follow up post. I know you can read. You should actually try doing it.

Gonna be some real fireworks when people learn about the pediatric vaccine/paxlovid/molnupiravir situation.

I used to think my opinions and ideas were pretty average/mainstream around UP, but honestly … I got vaxxed as soon as possible and am set for a booster next week, but nothing keed has said in this string of posts about his decision on the booster strikes me as even a little bit what I would consider “anti vax.” If I read this right, he talked about this with his doctor, including when then would do a booster. That seems just fine to me.


It’s honestly a bit weird to me that people think he should go with an internet forum opinion over that conversation.

Literally nobody is saying that. He talked to his doctor before the situation and guidance on boosters changed. My advice was literally, go talk to your doctor again.

Got my Pfizer on Pfizer booster yesterday. Two hours in my shoulder started hurting. At some point I had the chills but didn’t last long. Was tired, but slept ok. Shoulder stopped hurting about 12 hours in.

About 21 hours in feeling good.


As I said before, I consider an vaccinated person who opposes vaccine mandates to be anti-vaxx.

Is someone who is vaccinated but opposes vaccine mandates an anti-vaxxer?
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  • No
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Any recent data on number of tests being done in the USA and positivity rate since Omicron hit?

I feel like the NBA and NFL are some of the places that are still doing rigorous testing even on vaccinated people, and their recent spikes in cases are somewhat worrying.

I wonder how good they have been with boosters. I know they have enough team activities wo masks that once it breeches the locker room it’s going to spread

They should ring it 800k times so every piece of shit politician goes deaf.


Well it shows you can be vaxxed and still catch it. A lot of these cases seem to be asymptomatic though. Baker Mayfield says he feels fine.

Yeah, the sudden outbreak in the NFL certainly got my attention, given that it’s a pretty highly vaxxed population.

We’re doing a couple milly tests a day still, and a positivity rate that’s been creeping up since Halloween. Nothing dramatic there, though. Probably just the lingering effects of Halloween and Thanksgiving parties. CDC still has omicron at ~3% of cases, so it may be another week or two before its signal starts showing up next to delta.

Making a public case that it’s socially acceptable to go unvaxxed, and spreading misinformation in the process “unvaxxed are not causing vaxxed people to get Covid” is most definitely anti-vaxx.


I can see NFL players not wanting to do boosters midseason since it can knock you out for a day, but honestly just get it on a Monday and you’re good to go on Sunday.

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Yeah, and Tuesday is the players’ designated day off from practice, unless they have MNF or TNF.

Sounds like they want to make changes to keep players active.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

Hmmm. Accidentally correct!