COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

All it took was a few double-vaxxed posters here, 2p2 and Chiefsplanet talking about getting really nastily sick to convince me to get the booster.

Not sure why Keeed is giving more weight to growing an arm out of his head in 10 years or w/e. I seriously doubt the booster is going to be the tipping point to any long term negative effects of the vaxx.

But I was double vaccinated and then proceeded to get sick with covid 4 months ago! It sucked, too, felt like shit for five days and bad for a few weeks. If I didnā€™t get covid I would get a booster now, or soon. I still will probably, just delay it a while. It just seems like common sense to delay the booster a bit after you get a breakthrough infection. If you got covid a week after your first shot would you get the second shot right on schedule?

Can you refer us to a specialist?

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I missed that part amidst catching up on 100 posts. Carry on.

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ā€œIā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m going to catch the Omicron variant eventually. Therefore, I will not take prophylactic measures against this disease.ā€ Amazing stuff.


Sure, if you hallucinate my posts rather than read them I imagine things can get pretty fucken wild.

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Iā€™m so fucking sick of covid I could puke. Fuuuuuuuuck.


Saw 200+ new posts here in the last 12 hours or so and thought something Covid related actually happened. Still havenā€™t learned 2 years in.


I have previously been assured ITT that ā€œif a treatment is of uncertain benefit and there is any risk at all, donā€™t administer itā€ is a sacrosanct principle of medical ethics.


Discussion has actually been better than most 200+ post days in this thread.


Oh shit maybe thatā€™s where I picked up that bias towards inaction, thanks for jogging my memory. But I still donā€™t know if thatā€™s really the right framework for this decisionā€¦


This is the entire post I made about hydroxychloroquine, people can read it for themselves to see if your snippet actually says what you think it says. Unlike some in this thread, I never actually prescribed the drug to covid patients (obviously because I donā€™t have patients or prescriptions), but it does seem reasonable that it was given to patients at the time.

Would doses have been stockpiled? Almost surely. Again, this was being used all over the world before Trump ever said anything. And no stockā€™s value spiked because of Trump touting a generic medication manufactured by any company that has the ability to make it. Would some moron who drank fish tank cleaner instead of talking to his doctor about actual medicine still be alive? Maybe but he seems dumb enough to have drank something else fatal in the interim so who knows.

My point was that the trials that the drug has undergone were not frivolous or caused by Trump or a waste of time. They were necessary and reasonable. And the compassionate use of the drug by physcians was reasonable as well since there was not necessarily any other treatment available. The level 0 thinkers are the ones who reflexively try to tie every piece of news to Donald Trump.

The fervor about hydroxychloroquine was indeed dumb and a waste of time, with both the media and Donald Trump to blame. But thatā€™s what both of them do, so if it wasnā€™t this dumb controversy it would be something else.

edit: oh cool, thereā€™s a way to link to posts in locked threads so you guys can see the whole conversation to put this post in context. Maybe better than just ripping a single sentence out of a conversation, right?

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Obviously a shitty situation, but it sounds like there is a very good chance this guy is gonna die pretty soon no matter what surgery he gets.

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  1. Thereā€™s plenty of metastatic cancers that have a decent prognosis
  2. Even if it is, people deserve to not be paralyzed and shitting themselves until they die if we can avoid it.

Thatā€™s a really awful thing to say though jeez.

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I donā€™t know whatā€™s up with you, man. Your attempts to ikesplain stuff are almost cute sometimes.

What part of ā€œObviously a shitty situationā€¦ā€ donā€™t you understand? In case itā€™s not clear, thatā€™s my shorthand for your #2. Sorry for the confusion.

#1 is also not exactly a newsflash, which is why I said ā€œthere is a very good chanceā€. One would have to know a whole lot more about a the situation to guess his prognosis with accuracy. That also should have been obvious to just about anyone.

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Iā€™m not sure what your point is. ā€œVery good chanceā€ is both vague and contextually dependent and intentionally so. So is ā€œsoonā€ for that matter. I donā€™t know what you think it means, but let me assure you that it covers a wide range of outcomes. Throw in a ā€œsounds likeā€ and I think thatā€™s enough qualifiers for even the densest reader. Iā€™d apologize for being unclear, but youā€™re just being obtuse at this point.

I canā€™t even believe I spent 3 minutes doing a brief literature search on this. Anyway, if youā€™re so inclined, go look up the median time of survival from diagnosis of a pathologic fracture from a metastatic cancer. Spoiler alert: itā€™s grim. After youā€™ve done that feel free to comment on my word choice once again.

Also, just to be clear, obviously one would need to know much more about his individual situation to make an accurate prediction about his survival. That is just one data point. Obviously.