COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Tesco trip report Scotland…

No Sugar :angry:

All I got was strange looks with my new T-shirt mask… Except the Till girl/Sales assistant who made plenty of room for me and even spoke outwith my direction… She’s a young Student and knows the score… :wink:

Everyone else except 2 people had masks on, Fuck this Place, 1 staff member that I seen and the one way System seems to have failed massively. :angry:

2 young yins though the’d have a snigger at my mask, until I said “And I’m still better looking than your mug” :sweat_smile:

WAAF + Peeps be restless… That’s me for the week…

I have loads a chocolate now, don’t @me its ALLL MINE. :eyeglasses::eyes:


Yes but would the military have hoarded doses needed for lupus and RA patients who are now struggling without? Would the price of certain stocks not spike? Would resources of been used better? Would fish tank cleaner guy be alive? We’re there other deaths caused by compassionate use side effects that would stilll be alive.

Stop being a level 0 thinker. You can do better. And I am serious. I am not trying to make fun of you or mock you. You need a wake-up call on the whole way you approach thinking about things. I’m not talking values. Stop and think before typing/speaking. Ask the question- am I missing something?


Are you single? Sounds like an opportunity with till girl. :laughing:

Apparently Tucker had some guy on who falsely claimed an affiliation with stanford saying like 100% had recovered after chloroquine or whatever. Maddow did a segment on it and noted the N was like 5 and 2 died or something. That’s probably the “Stanford Study.”

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Maybe 20 years ago, Dan… :confused: Alough :shushing_face:

Would doses have been stockpiled? Almost surely. Again, this was being used all over the world before Trump ever said anything. And no stock’s value spiked because of Trump touting a generic medication manufactured by any company that has the ability to make it. Would some moron who drank fish tank cleaner instead of talking to his doctor about actual medicine still be alive? Maybe but he seems dumb enough to have drank something else fatal in the interim so who knows.

My point was that the trials that the drug has undergone were not frivolous or caused by Trump or a waste of time. They were necessary and reasonable. And the compassionate use of the drug by physcians was reasonable as well since there was not necessarily any other treatment available. The level 0 thinkers are the ones who reflexively try to tie every piece of news to Donald Trump.

The fervor about hydroxychloroquine was indeed dumb and a waste of time, with both the media and Donald Trump to blame. But that’s what both of them do, so if it wasn’t this dumb controversy it would be something else.

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Well when most of the olds get wiped out, the girls with daddy issues will have much less choice - that’s my hope anyway :grinning:


IL just announced 119 new deaths.

Very very good chance we have the highest confirmed death toll so far today(even with NY on the decline). Its time to OPEN UP FOR BOWLING!!!


Thanks youtube for providing the platform to make these people insane!

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Sad thing is that probably wasn’t even 5 g, aren’t those all microcells that are a lot closer to the ground?

apparently she called the sherriff and complained that the tower was sending her signals. Which…yeah ok that checks out actually.


Are you suggestion that woman possibly didn’t do her homework on which kinds of cel towers she should shoot at?


“look ma’am that’s really more of a 4.5g system, true 5g hasn’t really been deployed in this part of the country yet”

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“the media”

“During a two-week span between March 23 and April 6, Fox hosts and guests promoted hydroxychloroquine nearly 300 times.”


Guns don’t kill people, lunatics brainwashed by social media kill people.

Also the cops. The cops kill people.


I’m also talking about CNN and MSNBC and all the rest amplifying and attacking Trump’s original comments, which were slightly dumb and hyperbolic but mostly fine hopefully-this-works cheerleading. The bigger they made it the bigger Trump made it and it escalated in an ever-dumber spiral.

Cheerleading an unproven drug is not “mostly fine.”


Here’s what Trump said

Now, a drug called chloroquine — and some people would add to it “hydroxy-.” Hydroxychloroquine. So chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine. Now, this is a common malaria drug. It is also a drug used for strong arthritis. If somebody has pretty serious arthritis, also uses this in a somewhat different form. But it is known as a malaria drug, and it’s been around for a long time and it’s very powerful. But the nice part is, it’s been around for a long time, so we know that if it — if things don’t go as planned, it’s not going to kill anybody.

When you go with a brand-new drug, you don’t know that that’s going to happen. You have to see and you have to go — long test. But this has been used in different forms — very powerful drug — in different forms. And it’s shown very encouraging — very, very encouraging early results. And we’re going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately. And that’s where the FDA has been so great. They — they’ve gone through the approval process; it’s been approved. And they did it — they took it down from many, many months to immediate. So we’re going to be able to make that drug available by prescription or states.

I think it’s fine that the FDA took the action they did and it’s fine that Trump announced that action. He shouldn’t have said that the early results were very, very encouraging but whatever.

When I think of “here’s what Trump said,” what comes to mind is:

a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.


There’s never been anything even close to it.

Also lol “strong arthritis”

A sitting president touting an untested drug that literally killed more than it helped is a major problem. But I’m sure there were fine people on both sides.