COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

“minor viral populations” = lots of mutated strains?

Depending on your definition of “lots,” maybe? The researchers are finding that mutations arise within the viral populations within single patients, and a handful of those can make the virus more effective.

Trump gonna get everything opened up one way or another.

The carrot:

Or the stick:

Congress and White House just agreed on new aid package.

I’ve been trying to figure out why conservatives favor the solid line graph. Can’t quite put my finger on it.


Fuck I wonder if Barr can do anything. Like can we have a reverse situation of the standof with the national guard and Alabama governor or w/e?

Like 70% of the state agrees with the lockdown, but 30% of our idiots want out. State government starts enforcing, Trump admin sends in troops to force CA to allow our idiots to run amuck freely.

Still think so much of CA population would observe the quarantine that most businesses would not be able to operate profitably anyways.

Beautiful champ.



That TX Lieutenant Gov clip is completely batshit.

Just went for groceries for the first time in about 10 days, hit up the wholesale club and the supermarket that caters to minorities and poor people. Shelves are very noticeably bare compared to the last time I was there. I was kinda surprised because every other trip I’ve made since this all started was just shortages of certain items. Now it’s like across the board low inventory of everything and entire sections are just completely empty.

The people greeter/cart sanitation engineer at the wholesale club said, unprompted, “Good luck finding anything you need.”

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I’m heading out now, Tescos ftw, I’m hoping to get Juice + Milk and add food to my stockpile, I made the mistake last week of not buying any sweets so the chocolate Isle is getting raided too…

I’ve been buying Italian hams as there nice and going for some pies and stuff that last a bit longer in the fridge, so basically anything with a long sell by date :sweat_smile:

Vegetables have been a problem for me as they don’t keep, looks like I need a bigger freezer… NANCYYYYYYYYYY

Weekly NJ Unemployment update: just filed for the 4th eligible week, and for the 4th time my “claim is not payable at this time. If you do not know why, please call your nearest reemployment center”.

How are the people living paycheck to paycheck going to survive if they never get the money they are entitled to? Great system we’ve got here.

Oh, also, I got an email last week saying “my case has been resolved, you no longer need to talk to a representative”. It’s all one big fucking joke.


Well German government has a plan to carefully monitor things and I would guess the political will to re-implement restrictions if necessary. They also have more capacity than other countries in terms of hospital and ICU beds if they get an unexpected surge.

I believe the German government’s position is still that 70% of the population will get this disease they will just manage things so the hospitals don’t get overwhelmed, so they are really looking for a balance around R<=1, not to stamp the thing out as quickly as possible.

Whether 70% of the population getting the virus at their current mortality rate without overwhelming the ICUs is a big disaster or not depends on your point of view. I feel pretty fortunate to be here instead of most other countries.


Maybe this or that slows this thing down. But we cannot know that. Assuming it is beyond stupid. There is one thing and one proven to work. That new rap master- Social D (stay) in da house!

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Im sorry man, that really sucks.

I was able to get paid for the last few weeks, but my most recent claim has gone back into the pending category so who knows going forward

No action on PA UE. Site just opened to contract type workers.

In limbo for stimulus check. The error I’m getting seems to indicate 2019 files but not processed yet. Sigh.

It’s deadly Tuesday. There must be something especially deadly on Tuesdays. :angry:

Perfect time to reopen!



Probably ponied but I feel the need to repeat that trump’s hydrowhatever didn’t work and is probably worse than doing nothing.
Sure glad we didn’t just waste time and effort on this, not like a pandemic is going on or anything.

This is really cool. I have not looked into the details and probably won’t today.

Quick skim Seems to indicate that population density and degree of lockdown/compliance lead to the different transmission rates. Michigan and New York way down there. I would fear is part of compliance.

When it’s local people on you LOCAL news it hits harder.

Make sure you scroll and see the state graphs in the bottom section

My guesstimate is .85 for the whole Country. Seeems consistent with this???

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