COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Just seems like a perfect storm of a new variant + travel holiday + apathy.

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Our pharmacy was telling everyone to save the receipts as they could eventually be reimbursed by insurance. Of course everyone, as veterans of the Us health insurance system, lol’d at the idea of spending hours getting reimbursed for $30 worth of tests and left the receipts.

On another subject, this seems sort of a bad idea based on my understanding of this Merck pill right? Like this should be administered in isolation not just mailed to your house and hope you finish taking it?


As long as people are able to follow simple directions, it’s not a problem. So basically we’re all fucked.


I’m really skeptical of the idea that mechanism of molnupiravir will create the next variant, or anything really. I get the concern, and there’s no strong evidence for it, but the mechanism of it doesn’t make sense to me.

well I don’t think there’s going to be enough meds out there

Much more likely the variants will continue to arise from immune compromised where the same individual can accumulate mutations.

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Yeah I assume for now as Pfizer ramps and other treatments may have lost effectiveness that it is a half desperate situation.

Yeah, of course the problem there is the speculation is that Omicron is the result of a time bomb planted in 2020 so god knows what else we have already seeded.

The word on the Biden insurance reimbursement plan is it specifically excludes tests bought before it’s announced, because lol of course it does, but hopefully they realize how incredibly dumb that is.

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Has this study been posted here before?

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So the blue line and right-hand y-axis scale are just their own separate thing there, right? Showing when Delta came into the picture and could possibly have confounded things?


I don’t want to venture into the Rogan thread.


Lol well CVS is lying to customers then, perfect

They’re denying him his First Amendment rights!!!1!


Everyone who attended Christmas festivities at my sister’s house tested positive, starting with my BIL, who works retail, then my niece, and today my sister, niece’s kids, and niece’s husband (update: he’s headed to the ER :frowning: ). Luckily, my mother did not attend, and my immediate family did not either.

Instead, we went to my wife’s side of the family, and we all rapid tested the morning of. No one has reported sick from that event.

My wife is getting lots of texts and emails from work (school nurse in Boston suburb) during the vacation week, so that will be a shit show when she goes back. She’s been working unmasked when patients are not in her office, but I’m going to try and convince her to just put on an N95 in the morning, and take it off in the afternoon.

I’ll be hunkering down for the next month or so. I feel bad for the people who have to deal with the public, and so I’ll only go out for essentials. We had a trip to Maryland scheduled for January, but I think we’ll postpone. Feb trip to Savannah is in jeopardy as well at this point.

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@WichitaDM is a man of his word, I have been paid so thought I’d let those ITT commend the chap on his overall fairness! If I’m honest, I’d written the cash off a few weeks ago (Hi Omicron). If I hear he’s in Phuket or nearby in next 6 months, I hope I can show the man around - your yacht awaits you my kind friend


I didn’t realize you were in Thailand. I was just in Thailand for a few weeks in Chiang Mai.