About Moderation (old original thread)

Someone brought the account and its profile to the mods attention and asked what we intended to do about it, so I deleted the list from the profile and perm banned the account.

Then the poster who brought it to the attention of the mods complained that no action was taken against the account whose IP matched badpostingdog and sent the mods an analogy about how much better places with no moderation are than Unstuck, so I reversed the ban.

I was unaware that the account was actively being used to like posts in a trollish manner at the time, that obviously makes a perm ban the correct decision once again.


The fuck?

You one of those cat people?

I, for one, am proud that I made it on a shortlist.

No idea what I did to upset him though, lol.

There are literally about 3 or 4 women who have ever posted on this site. I’ll take my chances on “him”.

Dickish behavior and toeing the line is a weird way to say didn’t break any rules but I’m angry and banning is the only thing I know how to do yeah?


This goes both ways, CN will go out of his way to read JT’s posts in the least charitable way possible.

I didn’t agree with your ban the other night and there are a few posters who should have also caught “being a dick” bans after yours who were allowed to skate but this isn’t the general vibe I get from this thread. In other words I don’t think the ban was because your posting went against the grain.

People have posted asking for advice on situations and for the most part the responses have been to remain vigilant and stay safe, not “fuck it gonna get it anyway go and don’t wear masks”.

This goes both ways, CN will go out of his way to read JT’s posts in the least charitable way possible.[/quote]

Agreed, note that I didn’t point a finger at one of them in particular. I don’t think the blame is 50/50 but it’s not 100/0 either.

This. I have no idea what’s up with this strawman bullshit that we’ve turned into a forum of “YoU GoTtA Go OuT aNd LiVe YoUr LiFe BrO!” idiots. JT is reading a different forum from the rest of us.


can JT take his complaints to about moderation please?

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Listen I don’t doubt there are instances that fit what you’re talking about, but you realize that some people =/= the forum at large, right? No forum has everyone thinking in lockstep, in which case we’d just be a hivemind that has nothing to talk about. People talk about their opinions and personal experiences, others chime in and hopefully the people who are closer to correct change the opinions of the ones that aren’t.

Your manifesto before not only accused the forum of becoming a give-up-and-embrace-the-rona party, but also becoming the next iteration of /r/thedonald that eschews all counter opinions. That’s silly and you know it.

This is disappointing that you believe this. Rugby banned you for the continious “dickish” behavior after a warning. Whether anyone agrees with that is a different story but don’t act like you were banned for 24 hours because you have “dissenting voice”.


Thank you for moving this here.

NB: This was what my Like was for and wanted to just let JT know that some of us are reading and making up our own minds.

I beleive that the accusation was a shit-stir.


You post like you care too much about what other people think about you. I post sincere thoughts that get me labeled a troll or edgelord. I don’t need people to agree with me. I don’t need people to love me. I don’t even need people to respect me. I just want a platform to say my piece and move on to my next thought.

You’re using this thread wrong if you’re looking for validation unless you feel validated by making yourself feel like a martyr.

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Is this supposed to be me?

It was a reply to JT.

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JT I don’t even think you have dissenting views in any significant way. You’re not being singled out for dissent. The biggest issue, at least how I feel about it, is the constant aggressive attribution of views to people that simply does not exist, and your refusal to accept that any feedback that your initial impression was wrong.

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Literally no one (ok maybe not literally, but the consensus is vastly weighted towards staying in) here is suggesting going out anyway right now JT.

Stop. You are crossing a line.

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I try to read most posts in the thread and pretty much everyone one of them lately has been telling people to err on the side of caution right now until community spread lowers.