COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Jesus. 500k 7DMA a week from now seems optimistic at this point.

Hospitalizations spiking like crazy too. 70k a week ago and up to 85k today per 1.3ac

Florida COVID update: State surpasses 4 million cases and breaks single-day case record

Florida reported 46,923 COVID-19 cases and no new deaths Tuesday, according to Wednesday’s report to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, based on Miami Herald calculations of CDC data. This is the largest single-day case increase of newly reported cases since the pandemic began. Florida’s seven-day case average has seen consecutive increases since Dec. 10. On that day, the seven-day average was 1,700. It grew to 30,356 on Tuesday, the highest ever, according to Herald calculations.

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Where Does Ron DeSantis Go to Get His Apology?’


Can you elaborate? It seems like a pretty reasonable concern to me.



Vaccines are performing quite a bit better than I thought they would, assuming those calcs are reasonably accurate.

It’s just a little hard to believe, given how easily vaxxed people seem to get the ‘cron, that the risk of contracting it unvaxxed is four times greater.

Also, I think the y axis is going to need to be recalibrated very soon on those graphs :slightly_frowning_face:

So the only conclusion itt is that Church is a master biochemist and created Omicron. Got admit I did not see that coming. J/k obv.

Seriously congrats on the win, Mother Nature is a bitch. Combine that with humanity’s stupidity and taking the over makes sense.

Of all the pozzed I’m aware of, I don’t know of a single significant illness, just colds. Mostly likely boosted, rest regular vaxxed. Will be very interesting to see the unaccounted death rate in poorly vaxxed countries (and likely shame for the first world). That’s about all that’s going to give us the true nature of this thing.

Vermont with 940 positives today, shattering the all-time record of 739 set on the 9th.

This summer, we had 28 consecutive days in the single digits.

Positivity rate under 6% though.

He goes to his spokesperson’s crazy twitter page

It’s stuff like this 20x a day


Somebody remind what happened to the new captain at the end of the movie?

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idk, I think this actually gets the point across very well.


He became President?


93% for delta to 70% for omicron for two shots

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Can’t wait to see DeSantis’s Captain avatar.


Yeah, the IME forecast is like 40 percent of the world infected. If we could properly measure wouldn’t be surprised if we hit 2 million cases a day at peak in the US

Lol florida and all, but at this point what’s the difference between desantis and the other people in charge? Everyone is just gonna let it rip.

This was against severe outcomes correct? Want to make sure twitter was accurate.

Someone tell me I’m not crazy. My parents are 71 and 65, both boosted several month ago. They have the annual company trip for my dads company Jan 4th. Going to a resort in Cabo. The company just sent out an email that the trip is still on, but scheduled events (welcome dinner, volleyball tournament, that type of stuff) is all canceled. The trip was cancelled last year, and as of now my parents are still planning to go. They love traveling and I don’t know how many good years of globe trotting they have left in them, so I hate to be such a downer but I’m encouraging them to not go. It’s just ao frustrating after seeing them take covid precautions more seriously than 99% of people for almost two years, and they’re clearly ready to start living life again. But at what cost? They’ve traveled over the summer to visit my dads brother, and both are good about wearing KN95s whenever in public/airport/planes. But it seems like a damn near guarantee they’ll be getting Omicron at this point if they go spend a week in Cabo, right? How hard should I be trying to get them to lock it all back down? Ugh I hate this shit so much.