COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Same ages but my parents don’t travel, but this go around I can’t seem to convince them to stop going shopping for something every other day. They’ve also been pretty diligent about stuff for the last two years but seem to have decided that like month of having their groceries delivered is too much to bear.

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I’m probably contrary to a good part of this forum, but let them make their own decision without pressure from you. They’ve done everything correctly, and it still seems like vaxxed + boosted has decent protection especially against the worst outcomes. How much of their remaining lives are they supposed to sacrifice while also being as protected as they can be?


flip flopped again

Double masked and ready to see some witches.


Maryland over 10k cases today. Over 3x the pre-omicron daily high.

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Enjoy Spider. Hope you and the family have a good time.

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Boosted several months ago? Seems unlikely, but maybe they could call their doc and see about getting a 4th shot?

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I think there’s a methodological problem with all the of the analyses along these lines, although I haven’t been able to really get to the bottom of it. The issue is that there are widespread misclassifications of second doses and boosters as first doses when the reporting entity can’t tie the two together. As a result, the partially vaxxed population is overestimated, and both fully unvaxxed and fully vaxxed are underestimated. In every observed VE analysis I’ve seen, they split cases into three buckets: unvaxxed, partially vaxxed, and fully vaxxed, and then they discard the partially vaxxed ones.

The problem (I suspect) is that if you count all the unvaxxed cases and spread them over an undersized estimate of the population, you’ll end up with a per capita rate that’s too high. The same thing happens for the vaccinated rates as well, but the size of the distortion is inversely proportional to the size of the population, and since most people are vaccinated, the distortion is bigger for the unvaxxed, especially if you’re looking at older groups in some kind of stratified way.

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My daughter and her boyfriend are at the Predators–Caps game tonight in DC with Christmas tickets I bought for them a few weeks ago.

Both are boosted, she was planning to wear an N-95, and the arena just went back to mandatory face masks, so hopefully they won’t get sick.

Yeah, it looks those numbers were effectiveness against hospital admission. I spent about 30s skimming it, so I may have missed something.

I am sure I am stating the obvious to almost everyone, but holy crap the Grand Canyon. Was not prepared for the majesty.


I think this article has some info on boosters and Omicron

  • Omicron efficiently evades antibodies from infected or 2 x BNT vaccinated patients
  • Omicron moderately evades antibodies induced by 3 x BNT or heterologous vaccination

A third immunization with BNT increases protection against infection by 10-fold as compared to two doses of BNT (Bar-On et al., 2021

Sera from BNT/BNT/BNT immunized individuals inhibited entry driven by Omicron spike with 8-fold reduced efficiency as compared to B.1 spike and 2-fold reduced efficiency as compared to Delta spike (Figure 3D)

hospitalization, so essentially yeah

Not a Puscifer fan I take it.


I’m gonna knock you out! Omicron knock you out!


Thank you for this perspective. I actually think that I needed to hear it.

And yea, they are definitely in the “we did our part, if the unvaccinated get sick or die so be it” phase. I’m right there with them. I won’t be too aggressive in suggesting they consider not going, but will certainly make sure they understand that they beed to be taking pre-vax levels of precaution if they do go. I just really really really don’t want either of them to get sick or worse.

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How many dick pills are in an order?

I can’t heart this if they are Caps fans.

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Next pandemic we’ll get it right.