COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Thank God you’re fighting the good fight on their behalf.


Agreed, there can easily be a denominator issue here (which is why I said “assuming these are accurate…”). Population-wide estimates in countries with mediocre vaccine records will always be super limited.

A 4-1 ratio is still pretty high, even accounting for a very large denominator error. There could be issues on the numerator side as well (poor communication, unavailable data, etc).

(Note: This post is complete speculation)

who are you talking about here? Don’t much pay attention to this stuff.

martyrs of the covid wars

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My mom and stepdad, 74 and 71, both vaxxed and boosted, just spent several days in close company with my stepbrother and the rest of his mom’s family, many of whom are now pozzed, some were even sick at the time. So far my mom and stepdad have no symptoms and are testing negative. Everyone who got sick was vaxxed but not boosted.

YMMV but the booster seems pretty powerful. Even if they do get it the odds it’s more than a bad cold seem very low.

After spending 9 days in KC I see my mom’s POV to some degree. She doesn’t know how many good years she’ll have left to enjoy her family. At some point you take all the precautions you can, then decide how much risk you’re willing to take on to live your life in a fulfilling way.

Although I still think they could have done dozens of things differently w/o sacrificing very much. But you get the point.


Dumbass Robert Malone, who pretended to invent mRNA, banned from twitter

Updating after another 36 hours or so – have basically had the same wet cough and light congestion for awhile now. Not really a heavy cough at all and it’s wet which is supposedly not COVID, but I still tested positive this morning. This is almost 72 hours after first symptoms.

Baby and wife still have no symptoms somehow, despite being exposed to me for awhile in the beginning. Fingers crossed.

If anyone needs a suggestion for a comfortable floor mattress, I got a great one that’s so much better than any air mattress.


YMMV seems completely correct. My mom (74, boosted - Pfizer) tested positive before Christmas and throughout the last 10 days. My stepdad (68, boosted - Pfizer), still negative despite them sleeping in the same room and living together 24/7.

Mom only had minor symptoms for a couple of days or so - little cough, stuffy head, runny nose. Major symptom was (and remains) a massive grump about “ruining christmas”.


Thank you for your service.


Man, if I get pozzed my wife better move out of the big bed and not me. I feel like the sick one should get the best accommodations and not have to ship out to the garage lol. Feel better soon sir!


Still positive although the line was considerably less prevalent this time which I know probably doesn’t mean anything but I’m going to believe it does.

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If they go youll have to assume they get it. Any other outcome will be incresibly lucky.

Sick one should definitely get the main bedroom not sure how that is even a question

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Isn’t the same true of basically going anywhere (be it to the grocery store or to Cabo) right now?

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Make sure you give us a TR on how the dick pills worked

Would it be irresponsible to get an Airbnb if (when) I poz? If I’m going to be sick I’d like some peace and quiet.

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I don’t know. Most people took extreme measures to not get really sick / die. Most people got the vaccine for the same reason.

The vaccine plus booster still works on worst case scenarios. Acting like the vaccine doesn’t work against the most important result doesn’t really help. Although I agree more other precautions should have never been dropped. I have been in agreeance on that all along.

I certainly think people hoped the vaccine was a silver bullet and let their guard down.

In other news one of the guys at a group home I volunteer at is now in quarantine. None of them have gotten sick from covid yet. They trying to get him test but no luck so far. Not clear he 100% has Covid symptoms but they are being overly cautious. Fortunately the owner of the houses has been very strict on Covid and even kicked multiple people out for not wanting to follow protocols and caution back in the early days of Covid.

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I also like to err on the side of caution, but this statement seems like hyperbole. (Assuming “incredibly lucky” means something like a <5% chance.)

It’s absolutely not irresponsible! Just don’t interact with anyone, check out early and leave the windows open.

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