COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

See, the thing with changes in America is that other countrires follow suit shortly afterwards.

America is switching over to 5 day quarantines and now the Czech Republic is likely to do the same.

Is there evidence that Church wasn’t considering potential future variants in his bet? Otherwise, saying he played bad and got there seems like some haterade. And believe me, I am just about the last person ITT who would ever come to his defense (OK probably not the last lol).

Also, it IS amazing the numbers got there considering the holidays and how severely infections are almost certainly being undercounted. Omicron infecting errrybody out here.

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Yup it was a fun sweat at least. Had me actually looking at Covid numbers for the first time in a long time the last week.

I think churchill’s entire thesis was that variants (at the time the Delta variant) would evade vaccines and cause a new ATH. He wasn’t right about Delta specifically but he was right in the sense that Covid could evade vaccines enough to cause what we are seeing now.

Also if I remember right he wanted the bet to end in August at higher odds and we eventually settled on a longer timeframe at lower odds. LOL me.

ETA- I wasn’t misremembering:

Also on March 15th he tried to amend the bet to August 31st at higher odds and I declined. Again LOL me.


Is this still a Churchill thread?




Good writing?

I mean, he did a walrus reveal. What more could he possibly do?


A different one where he doesn’t insult my pick.


CDC says you’re negative now, ignore those silly “tests” ldo.


Wife is still sick. Cough, aches, feels crummy overall. I think her fever went away though. I tested negative yesterday on a rapid antigen but I saw the articles speculating that omicron might evade detection on those more than the previous variants so I don’t have a ton of confidence there.

I don’t have any symptoms besides just a tiny scratchy feeling in the back of my throat.


You may drive yourself even crazier, and run out of tests, if you keep hoping to test negative after such a short time.

My wife tested positive yesterday on antigen test, and it’s been 8 days for her. Nurse friend of hers said she could continue to test positive for weeks, though I don’t know how accurate that statement is.

Yeah I’d have made your side of the bet last week too.

Tiny scratchy feeling has been a common symptom for people in this thread + others I know. Just an FYI.

Arrived for Christmas at my wife’s sisters house to
discover they were over Covid and not worried about it at all or taking basically any precautions. Oldest kid tested positive the next day followed by pretty much everyone else. Kids all 10 and under) are unvaxxed but parents/grandparents are all vaxxed and mostly boosted. For tedious lolUK reasons I am still on a single JJ shot from last May.

Pretty much everyone in the house (wife’s sister, her husband, all the kids) tested positive at various points starting on the 23rd. Hardly anyone has had any real symptoms, worst was some mild fatigues and headaches.

I felt mildly sick yesterday with a slight fever, a low grade headache, fatigue and had an episode of chills the night before. Can echo the scratchy throat thing whihc had me coughing for a bit at night but now is totally gone. Am 100% fine today but tested positive. Obviously not out of the woods yet but looking good so far.


Just seems like a perfect storm of a new variant + travel holiday + apathy.

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Our pharmacy was telling everyone to save the receipts as they could eventually be reimbursed by insurance. Of course everyone, as veterans of the Us health insurance system, lol’d at the idea of spending hours getting reimbursed for $30 worth of tests and left the receipts.

On another subject, this seems sort of a bad idea based on my understanding of this Merck pill right? Like this should be administered in isolation not just mailed to your house and hope you finish taking it?


As long as people are able to follow simple directions, it’s not a problem. So basically we’re all fucked.


I’m really skeptical of the idea that mechanism of molnupiravir will create the next variant, or anything really. I get the concern, and there’s no strong evidence for it, but the mechanism of it doesn’t make sense to me.