COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

For anyone who cares for a data point about what this actually feels like:

About 36 hours ago had a little tickle in my throat.

24 hours ago had chills, big time sore throat, limited breathing issues.

Yesterday morning woke up with aches and general soreness to go along with the sore throat.

About 6 hours ago went to bed with almost no symptoms except a light cough.

Right now, just have some light congestion. Feels like a not particularly bad cold. No more sore throat or general aches (other than from sleeping on the floor while quarantined in my office . . . I’m not 25 any more that’s for sure).


PCR testing sites across Atlanta are so hopelessly overwhelmed that the true caseload must be way higher than reported. There are social media reports with literal mile long lines are all over the metro area.

This is from data ending Nov 20th

From this data set I think

It’s surveillance data, so should be taken with grain of salt, but I wasn’t aware the cdc was publishing this. It looks really incomplete though as it only has 17 jurisdictions.

Seems like nationalization of public health could really benefit some red states, but that’ll never happen

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In the US, cases recorded by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) rose by 441,278 on 27 December - by far the highest number of daily cases ever reported to the agency.

US infectious disease expert Amesh Adalja told the BBC that Omicron could “get round the protection afforded by vaccines” and “affect anybody at will”.

Guardian Live 28/12/21 22.44 GMT

More than 500 children admitted to hospital with Covid in England in week up to Boxing Day

A total of 512 children were admitted to hospitals in England with Covid-19 in the week leading up to Boxing Day, new figures show.

The numbers, released on the government’s coronavirus dashboard, showed 59 children aged under 5 were admitted to hospital between Christmas Day and Boxing Day alone.

A further 50 children in this same age group were admitted to hospital in the 24 hours prior.

From 19 to 26 December, a total of 226 children aged 6 to 17 were admitted to hospital with Covid. Over that same duration, 286 children under the age of 5 were admitted to hospital.

In comparison, 256 children aged 17 and under were admitted into hospital in the last week of November. Of those, 100 were aged under five and 156 aged between six and 17.



Meanwhile, in covid hawk Straya where we take covid super serious:

At the meeting, Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly will present the leaders with a proposed new, more relaxed definition of what should constitute a close contact.

Under the new description, a close contact would be someone who had spent four hours or more with a confirmed case in a household or household-like setting, such as a residential care facility.

Those contacts would only be required to quarantine for seven days, and take a rapid antigen test on day six.

Just a proposal at this stage, but it’s the way things are going.

What’s your vaxx status?

@bobman0330 @churchill dm me your paypal or venmo addresses and I will get payment out.

pfizer + boosted

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One week since my throat tickle started and this morning my cold is virtually completely GONE!!! This never EVER happens to me. Went to the clinic Sunday hoping for a test, but parking lot was empty with a note on the door that they were closed because of “unexpected circumstances”. Picked up my normal prescription at Walgreen’s yesterday and asked about getting at home or live test. They’re sold out, and told me to try to get a drive through test maybe Thursday. But it may be too late for that now. My cold was severe enough that I burned through more than one box of kleenex in a day at its peak. Now its vanished almost entirely. WTF happened? Not really sure.


Would you folks allow me to brag for a moment? Thanks.

We’re number one in the AP and The Coaches’ Poll!

So, what are we going to do about it? Well, let’s ask the governor. You may remember Kevin Stitt, who last year was the first governor in this great nation to bravely develop antibodies by infecting himself:

Yeah, you read it right. Stitt is now distinguishing himself by sending a less responsible public health message than Trump.
I bow humbly.


Still positive. I’m going crazy in this room. This is day 5 since my initial positive test. Symptoms are all but gone.


I can put together a dance music playlist for you if you want.


Such a boss bet win by Churchill, too bad it is such a depressing victory.


What exactly was the bet? I knew the rules about outcome, but not what was actually wagered.

Bet was made when I believe Churchill thought the Alpha variant (formerly UK variant) was going to evade vaccines and dwarf all our previous numbers and we’d hit a new 7dma high by the end of the year. Unfortunately he got there, but not with the alpha variant.

That we would surpass the Jan 11th 7dma high in 2021. The bet was made in February or March. My $500 to his $250. Bobman got in on the same bet a few days ago because i thought holiday reporting would save me. It didn’t.


So Church was wrong yet again.

