COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Yeah everyone is tired and grumpy. We’ve gone a long ways backward in the last six months and have another mentally taxing pandemic year ahead.

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Quit the bullshit nobody ITT cares about being safe anymore.


What? Thread is easily top 5-10%

Welp, I think we’re bailing. Somehow, Franklin County (where I live) is at the all-time highest case rate for the entire pandemic, and yet Cuyahoga County (where the show is) is like triple our rate. Listed the tickets (for tomorrow night’s show) on Stubhub, but I’m anticipating that we’re going to end up eating $600. This is one of the very few events that literally all 5 of us were excited to go to. Yay.


Isn’t OH chock-full of MAGA derpers who really don’t give a sht about COVID? Surely at least some of them like musical theater.

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What are the theater requirements? Masks? Proof of vax? If so, I’d go. It’s a great show.

There’s this weird need to try and elevate the participants here to some higher status when we are getting more and more proof that is not the case!

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Masks required for all ages. Proof of vaccination or negative test result required. It is definitely a great show - we saw it on Broadway a couple of years ago and it was amazing.

It may be frowned upon in this thread but I’ve moved more towards believing that we have to do things for our mental health even if they involve some calculated risk. We’ve been going to shows again, were out and about at the holiday markets for Xmas shopping, etc. I do this a fair bit always, but I’ve been trolling StubHub recently to see if good prices are available for shows/concerts and wouldn’t hesitate to go.

I also think there’s a likely correlation between musical theater attendees as COVID safety, mask/vax compliance, etc.

It’s your call but even I felt physically bummed when you said your family was all excited and might have to cancel.


COVID safety and going to the theatre right now sort of dissonant thoughts so not sure much correlated.

Not saying hermit up forever. Boosted/real mask/real compliance probably not super risky to you personally, and a month ago and a month from now might be ok, but man does it seem like putting the brakes on for a few weeks now is a good idea. Performing in that show probably not super safe right now and frontline workers are borderline apopleptic right now on social media.


Be careful. I never buy off Stubhub but have seen a few posts on band fan pages from people who bought on Stubhub and then NYE shows got cancelled and the refund seemed to be going back to the original purchaser. They were asking how to get the refund to them and last I saw people were saying that they needed to contact the seller of the ticket lol.

Johnny singlehandedly raises our average so much, though. As long as he stays unbanned, the unstucker average is sky high.

Kinda related to your point (about correlation between grumpiness and Covid rates), I was just listening to the 538 pod and as part of their yearly recap they talked about a gallop poll that asked people at various times whether the Covid situation was improving.

-In June 2021 (aka the start of #hotvaxsummer), 89% said yes

  • In August 2021 (aka Delta is real, and it’s not spectacular), only 15% said yes

I can’t think of too many areas where public perceptions change so quickly, and I can’t imagine that that kind of whiplash is good for our individual or collective psyches.


Yeah that foots. I feel like I had about five weeks of relative normalcy and then by late July became clear it was going to rapidly come to an end. Hoping to at least get the same respite next year at some point.

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I had basically spent 6-7 months in the mental spot of “I’m fully vaxxed therefore untouchable”. Indoor gatherings, weddings, going to indoor bars, and these last 2 weeks have definitely put a damper on that attitude.

That said, I’m flying to Florida on Thursday and going to a NYE Wedding. Just a shit spot where it’s a close enough friend that skipping just isn’t really an option. Wife and I are basically preparing for the inevitable outcome of getting Omicron, but it was super likely to happen in some way over the next month and by getting 2x vaxxed and boosted we’ve done enough to prevent the worst of the health outcomes.



I can relate to this. I’ve been pretty careful with exposure for the duration. But a couple of months ago I decided that I would try to “be good” through the holidays but after the new year it would be time to begin to take on some calculated risk and re-engage with the world beyond my local grocery store. Not sure how many people there are like me, i.e., for whom the new year was going to be the transition line between near-total lockdown and time to start letting up a little, resuming some kind of normalcy.

On the other hand, this seems pretty obviously correct at this point. I think I’ve known this for a few weeks since omicron broke, and it’s frustrating. But I’ll almost certainly be continuing my current behavior patterns for another month and re-evaluate at the end of Jan. I continue to be thankful that I’m privileged to be in near-total control of my exposure and risk.


This mostly describes me as well. Up until last week, was planning on NYE with friends from college. Was wondering if that was a good idea, but then broken shoulder made that decision for me.


Probably still be that way if I didn’t plan on international travel

I mean, at a certain point, being vaxxed and boosted, wearing a KN95 or better mask for the whole show, not being around vulnerable people on a day to day basis, and having the luxury to test and isolate if necessary afterwards is maybe not the lowest of risk to you in particular, but you can avoid personal bad outcomes and spread to others. Is it worth it to your risking what would very likely manifest as just a bad cold at this point? I was thinking about going to see Spiderman but won’t now due to unvaxxed kids and the big spike in cases, but it’s a defensible position to take some personal risk when you’re in a position to mitigate your risk to others.

My dad (fully vaxed + boosted) went to a concert in Cleveland a few weeks ago and I’m 99% sure that’s how I got pozzed fwiw.