COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

people dying are delta still is my hope.

but yeah… wouldn’t bet on that.

I know that further in this post you say you’re done with the back and forth with JT, and I hope you hold true to that, but continuing to refer to Johnny’s posting as sealioning is pretty shitty.

I think Church (maybe it was someone else, but I honestly think it was Church) posted some quotes or an article a week or two back about why we shouldn’t assume that mild outcomes in SA will play out globally. Mostly due to large numbers of people in SA already having survived an infection.

I’m just looking at worldometer. Looks like we’re headed toward another 9/11 per day situation.

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This is true. RSA has very different age demographics and many other different factors. There was never any guarantee things in the US would play out the same way.

oh I’m sorry, that’s as polite as I get to the guy talking the guy calling people a ‘fucking illiterate [redacted]’ and talking about my stresses while telling me to go away. Solid work here bud.

This is bad, but wookie calling him a hermit loony extremist is ok because…



Maybe we can all knock it the fuck off so we can use the thread about a global pandemic for, I dunno, news about the fucking global pandemic?


I have a toddler and I keep seeing these different headlines and articles about 50% increase in children being hospitalized. They aren’t giving the numbers or if they are hospitalized for something else. Is there any place to find this info?

AAP publishes weekly roundups of pediatric COVID stats:

Toddlers are extremely low risk though. A percentage increase on a very small number is going to be a very small number. I’m much more anxious about long-term side effects than a severe acute case for my 3yo.


Granted this is just one source, but it seems to be similar to previous attention grabbing headlines and the increase is children who are being hospitalized for other reasons who happen to also test positive for COVID and not kids being hospitalized because of COVID

However, he said, his hospital has seen a lot of kids test positive for Covid without necessarily showing symptoms or getting sick.

“We test anybody who’s admitted to the hospital for whatever reason to see whether or not they have Covid, and we’re definitely seeing an increase in cases. However, we’re really not seeing an increase in children who are hospitalized for Covid or in the intensive care unit for Covid,” Offit said.

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Roman health.

You can also get dick pills too.


Well, I’d edit, but your choice to put this into slow mode stops me.

That was my decision

Chiming in to reinforce that you all should stop being dicks to each other.

Next dickish post after this gonna get a 24 hour time out.


If this enforced, 30 minute timer isn’t necessary imo.


Lets play nice, yeah?

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I ordered Sunday and it says it’s coming tomorrow.


Awesome thanks picked up a few more.

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You know when the fists start flying ITT that the 'rona is popping off hard. Stay safe out there.