COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

It’s all good, man. At the end of the day I think we both agree that vaccines and boosters alone aren’t going to stop the spread if people completely disregard social distancing and thousands of people cram themselves together for hours. They ought to cancel the damn party and do some kind of livestream celebration.

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Define actionable.

That’s a little too strong for me. I think its pretty likely boosting offers meaningful protection from infection for some period of time.

I guess actionable and meaningful are subject to definition. Im more cautious boosted Vs omicron than vaxxed vs delta, but 75 percent VE against symptoms offering no meaningful protection against contraction and transmission seems like a stretch.

As an aside, honestly, there is so much COVID around right now that any symptoms should be treated as having COVID even with negative rapid tests.

Ok, so if I chose to go to the Orange Bowl in a few days in part because I’m boosted and in a group where vaccines and boosters are required, then it meets that standard.

I know about a dozen people who made that exact decision JT. Your ‘standard’ is still undefined and meaningless.

We get your point. Your point is that there isn’t some gold standard study showing omicron has some crazy low infection and spread rate. Furthermore, WE ALL FUCKING AGREE WITH THIS POINT. Seriously. Every single one of us.

I haven’t once tried to make you into an anti-vaccine point of view. I haven’t once against argued against masking and crowd avoidance.

You can repeat over and over again about me claiming some ‘significant’ protection (again - whatever the fuck that means), but I never said that once. There still is evidence that a booster helps prevent the spread of omicron, and it seems like you’d agree with that based on your posts.

Now that those things are out of the way, I’d appreciate it if we could all move the fuck on now. This discussion adds nothing. We’re not even in significant disagreement, you’re just stirring up bullshit drama for whatever fucking reason and it’s pathetic and tiring.

Thanks for this context; I wasn’t aware of this and agree it complicates the issue somewhat.

I can’t find a BBC “live” page, but the Guardian one I found does have linked timestamps for the posts that seem to function as direct links to the individual items. For example, this link should go directly to a post from several hours ago (“US reports single highest number of daily cases”) although the discourse preview is just the generic page title. (I’m also not sure if this link will work tomorrow or next year, etc.)

Bullshit. Never said this.

You have zero evidence that asymptomatic spreaders are any more prevalent among the vaccinated than among the unvaccinated. None. LOL @ being an evidence ombudsman and then peddling this.

This is incredibly misguided. Vaccines are the absolute best thing we can do to protect ourselves from both contracting and spreading. Masks sure as hell ain’t perfect either, bro.



Feel like we’ve really stepped up our “giving up” game in the last 3 or so weeks.

The “Omicron is very transmissible but less dangerous” narrative is very strong. We’re not gonna let Cancel Culture Run Amok and ruin Xmas for that.

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Looks like tomorrow will be the big day.

Can get positive tests if all the test administrators are out sick

Man pointing at head.jpg

“You have zero evidence that asymptomatic spreaders are any more prevalent among the vaccinated than among the unvaccinated.”

Your link is evidence that people are vaccinated are less likely to have symptoms. Not that they spread covid more.

Finally, your study shows 0.2% of 971,504 got covid, or 2,370 people in total got covid. This is fucking fantastic evidence for wookie’s point, not yours, as even if every single one of these 0.2% of people spread covid asymptomatically, it would be dwarfed by the spread by the unvaccinated. Less people have symptoms not because covid rips through the vaccinated without symptoms, but because people don’t get very sick with covid when they are vaccinated.

Please stop.


Do you work at a hospital at all? I’ve grabbed a couple from what we screen visitors with.

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lol, now you’re just deliberately misreading me. That doesn’t say what you desperately wish it did.

COVID-19: Fully Vaccinated Almost Twice As Likely to Be Asymptomatic

This isn’t the evidence you crave, either. It’s based on self-reported data rather than being a proper RCT, and it combines single-vaxxed people with double-vaxxed, a pretty important distinction.

OK, enjoy being a hermit. I guess we’ll just have to remind everyone you rage at for going outside that you’re not representative


I found some at a local pharmacy here in Brooklyn. If you are at all able probably more likely to find them at a local place as opposed to like CVS or Walgreens.




Cool, then getting vaccinated is the best and most important protection. Thanks for admitting your “avoid exposure” was just bullshit you were flinging to make yourself feel better.


@MrWookie @JohnnyTruant Enough. Take this shit to a PM if you care about the collective sanity of UP at all.


We’re sealioning so hard at this point we’re trying to rewrite quoted posts.

And JT, spare me the fake pity. You’re clearly angling for a ban or a rage-quit like before. I won’t be part of it further.


Oh man, deaths in the US do not seem to be as decoupled from cases as they are in RSA, this could get very bad.