COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

TIL this is where it came from


mutant healing factor activate

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The complaint about church was that he wasn’t providing sources for the info he’s posting. Whatever you want to say about Wookie, he’s at least been citing these sources.

My complaint was about CN providing no source and then a bogus source yet the very next day complaining about and making demands of another user.

It’s one thing to ask for sourcing when somebody makes a factual claim. This can get complicated very quickly based on the nature and specific wording of the claim.

Insisting that somebody posting a literal quote from an article provide a source for the quote is completely different and entirely reasonable.


So it’s perfectly fine to make “factual claims” without sourcing as long as you don’t quote anything? That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. I mean I get it if you’re talking about a claim like “the earth is round”. But that’s not anywhere close to the situation at hand.

It is not hypocrisy to not cite self-generated hypotheses while expecting that literal quotations from external sources are accompanied by a hyperlink, an act that takes one additional ctrl-c, ctrl-v. Including a hyperlink when quoting someone is a basic internet courtesy: to the source, at the very least, even if you don’t think anyone here deserves it.


I agree 100 percent as long as the self-generated hypothesis is presented as such, and is void of claims like it’s a consensus opinion.



Unstuck Pozzed list (post 12/21)

  1. Lawnmower Man
  2. d10
  3. Tilted
  4. Champ
  5. Surf
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The study followed 13 people, 11 of whom had been infected with the omicron variant.

Lol small sample size-aments


Symptomatic disease is and has always been the standard by which vaccines were tested, dating back to the first Pfizer release. They just don’t test every participant every day in the absence of symptoms, and if that is the evidence you expect to have so as to be able to say anything about vaccine efficacy, you’ve never had it, and you’ll never get it. If you can’t look at a substantial reduction in symptomatic disease with omicron when boosted and think that it makes you less likely to catch a case of omicron, you might as well go back and argue that we have no idea how effective the vaccines are against infections with the original Wuhan strain. Which, OK, if you want to make it your mission here to claim all vaccines are about as effective as ducking your head on a crashing plane when it comes to infection (because essentially no vaccine has ever been tested to this standard), well, cool, we might have to unban the antivaxx dog account, though.


I wonder if they are including tourists in this number. That would make sense because a lot of hotels near Times Square are in the Chelsea neighborhood (aka Hell’s Kitchen)

How has NYC not cancelled the NYE party? We really have completely given up in the US, haven’t we?

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Yeah like about a year ago.

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Found antigen tests today. Wife still positive, I tested negative. Lol variance indeed.

Covid went buck wild in our fully vaxxed/boosted immediate social circle. About a dozen pozzed, including wife and MIL. Best we can tell a lawyer friend whose firm was big time back to work ASAP got it there and then it did its thing. Couple people with the sniffles, but that’s it thankfully. Christmas was cancelled for almost everyone I see somewhat frequently.

I never tested positive at all, which I attributed to copious amounts of red wine and superior genes. Also shout out to the CDC for miraculously curing all of them with a stroke of a pen yesterday.


Supposedly and anecdotally, with Omicron and a number of the OTC antigen tests you should be throat swabbing as well as nasal swabbing. A number of epidemiologists have been sharing people negative on the nasal swab, positive via throat swab.

Keeping fingers crossed that these mild infections don’t end up causing some of the longer-term issues studies have been finding (brain shrinkage, cell aging, autoimmune and vascular issues, etc) but figuring effect of vaccines on longer term issues still a work in process.

EDIT: and looks like FDA now concerned rapid tests less sensitive for Omicron.

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In most cases it’s a couple of extra clicks and allows others to evaluate the data for themselves but churchill often posts quotes from the Guardian or BBC’s live news sites that are an enormous pain in the ass to find a link to, so I understand why he posts just the quotes. An attribution of some kind would still be helpful for people looking for the original source.


$500 is only like 4 pounds sterling now that Joe Biden has wrecked America with hyperinflation right? I think I have some left over from a pre-Covid trip to the UK.

Congrats on the new baby!

All the best health to everyone involved… Get ready for everything to change for the good, forever