COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Lying about how you never got a source despite the fact that I gave you exactly what you asked for is pretty obvious bad faith.

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The source you posted didn’t answer his question though and his statement that

zero sources that actually showed it to be more than hopeful at this point

is correct.

I retract this post.


No, it’s not. You’re flat out wrong and it’s depressing to see discussion devolve into this sealioning garbage

This is not just hopeful. It is a literal measurement of vaccine effectiveness against infection, 2 shots and boosted, against omicron, that shows a substantial increase in protection from boosters.

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The public health agency’s previous estimate that the rapidly spreading variant accounted for 73.2 percent of cases nationwide on Dec. 18 is now revised down to 22.5 percent — a significant drop that falls outside the agency’s earlier 95 percent prediction interval, or likely range where future analysis will fall, of 34 to 94.9 percent of all cases.
CDC sharply drops estimate of Omicron prevalence in U.S. - POLITICO

I presented a source that I thought addressed JT’s concerns. I’m happy to hear an explanation for why it wasn’t adequate, but you can’t say there hasn’t been a good faith effort to back up claims with sources.

The whole point of asking him, up front, what would be acceptable was to avoid the sea lion bullshit that’s since followed. He will try to change the standard met to just beyond whatever you post, even when he himself admits that it’s far more likely than not a booster will have a positive effect. It’s obvious bad faith and we should move on…

You mean the omicron variant? There are literally data points in that figure labeled OMICRON. IT’S RIGHT FUCKING THERE. The data were published December 10th. It’s not pre-omicron. It’s measuring omicron.


How does his source not show Omricon?

Edit: ponied

I dunno. Maybe open circles aren’t real data points and only filled squares count as data.

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I didn’t notice the key in the bottom left until you pointed out it existed and just skimmed the text of the tweet and assumed it was still only referring to Delta, my apologies.


What part of “Two doses of BNT162b2 with a BNT162b2 booster dose” don’t you understand?

Is there any particular reason they aren’t letting anyone who wants a booster get one? Seems absurd at this point to make people who are four months out wait two more months, considering Omicron will probably have burned out by then.

What he’s trying to do is hold others to the same standard that churchill is held to in this thread. He hasn’t changed his standard (although he did misread wookie’s evidential tweet), he’s trying to keep things factual when answering JordanIB’s question about booster efficacy against omicron instead of letting things like “the general consensus is X” posted without evidence stand.


And also Wookie’s tweet was not the “evidence” that CN produced. CN produced a reference to a study that was pre-omicron mixed in with some personal speculation.


holy fucking shit did this get posted?

What’s that now? Sealioning?

Edit: Never mind. Just googled it. Never heard of it before today.


Sealioning is a harassment tactic by which a participant in a debate or online discussion pesters the other participant with disingenuous questions under the guise of sincerity, hoping to erode the patience or goodwill of the target to the point where they appear unreasonable.

I don’t believe this is what Johnny is doing but CN isn’t the only person who has made the claim.

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40,780 new cases in New York State yesterday with a 19.4% positivity rate

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