COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Thanks. They’re all doing fine so far. I’m not even sweating yet.

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posting links so people can easily read the whole story instead of the scariest quote you can find is preferred. Especially when your story has been posted at least once.

Seconding. @churchill , if you are just going to be a news aggregator its imperative you cite your sources.

Failure to do so will result in me deleting the post


I think you’re conflating the value of a statistical life with the value of a life. The former concept has to deal with trading off cost and benefits of preventative measures, where the preventative measures have some uncertainty in their effect. This tradeoff could happen at a societal level (e.g., setting quarantine policy) or at an individual level (e.g., deciding how much risky but fun activities you want to participate in).

At the individual level we all make decisions where we accept an X% greater chance of dying for $Y worth of fun. But you can’t conclude from this that we would accept a 100% chance of dying for $Y*(100/X).

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But it’s perfectly fine to just make shit up with no sourcing at all based on germ theory and feels. Got it.

Anything in specific? Id be happy to taks a look.

He’s literally quoting a source. We should be able to see where its coming from.

Im not entirely sure why you would have a problem with that

I bet I know why!


My point is that non-corrupt politicians impervious to pressure from businesses should still be thinking in terms of acceptable losses and not be trying to get very close to zero cases.

Well thats not helpful. Come on now.

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I probably read your post too quickly.

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I’m incredibly fucking angry right now and probably should take a break from #onlinelyfe. While I realize that the sacrifice of not going to the orange bowl is a small thing compared to others, and hell even me, the fact that I don’t think I can go without being a complete idiot is infuriating. Been a massive Michigan fan since 2003 and I’ve always wanted to go to something like this.

Fucking hell. To be honest, if it was just me at risk, I’d be going.

edit: lol jbro


I was referring to yesterday’s “bickering” and the source of it. I managed to stay out of it yesterday, but when the chief perpetrator then complains about other posts not being sourced to his preferred specifications it’s a bit much. I’ll drop it now.

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Alright. Feel free to flag anything similar you see in the future.


Thats all I ask. Anything that happened yesterday I didnt see. Id like this thread to be as scientifically accurate as possible and that starts with us being able to trace claims back to their original source.

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Is there a way you can swing that? Just go and then self quarantine for a while. Return home after a few positive tests.

Obviously it requires being away from family and job for more than just a long weekend, so if that’s not possible then I guess you’re out of luck.

These recent links seem to come from The Guardian, which is a reasonably legit news outlet afaict.

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No because I won’t be able to safely quarantine when I get home. Expecting a baby. Latest arrival will be 1/11.

Got special permission from the wife to go this late in the game. Had my flights scheduled so I was gone for a total of 36 hours. Data seemed fine at the time of scheduling, and it was something that is a bucket list item for me, so we were going to do it.

But I’m not giving Covid to my newborn because I had to go to a football game. Not going to quarantine for the first week of her life either. Which is obvious and logical ofc, but I’m still very upset about it.


I would have suggested staying at a hotel near your house for X days and then returning home after that. Baby obviously changes everything. Yeah, don’t see how you could go. Even with no COVID you would be cutting it pretty close.

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I learned my front front door wasn’t locked b/c my package delivery driver thought to be nice and put it inside there

god damnit I literally would rather have all the snow on it.

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I seem to remember there was some service you could opt for where Amazon would actually deliver the package inside your door. I forget the details of how it works. Anyone know if that is still a thing?