COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I doubt it because this seems to be coming from pressure from business groups. But the fact of the change itself is not the reason that its wrong.

In the US, National Basketball Association (NBA) players who test positive for Covid now have a quicker path to return to play, AP reports, after the league cut isolation times from 10 to six days for vaccinated asymptomatic players.

The NBA has seen coronavirus numbers soar in recent days, even with 97% of players vaccinated and at least 65% of eligible players boosted against the virus.

It follows a move from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to cut the isolation period for people testing Covid-positive from 10 to five days. Officials said that data shows people are most infectious in the two days before, and three days after, symptoms appear.

People are surprised a less severe variant requires a shorter isolation so they immediately jump to conspiracies?

It’s mainly that the data supporting the change haven’t really been shown. And that no testing requirement at the end of that 5 day period seems to fly in the face of different people having different recovery times.


You’re in Cornville bro. What’d you expect?

It’s difficult to see where the science is that would justify this announcement.

And in fact, it seems to be motivated more by greedy capitalists than objective scientists:

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

COVID is getting closer to the spidercrab household. My son is on the swim team, which we thought was a lowish-risk activity to be in. Biggest exposures, as far as I can tell, are time in the weight room (where my son is masked and others are supposed to be, but often aren’t) and social gatherings (which my son doesn’t attend). One of the kids on the team just tested positive (via family exposure), so now all of the kids on the team have to take a proctored test in order to continue participating.

We currently have tickets to go see Wicked later this week in Cleveland - a show that we were supposed to see last summer and something we’ve all been excited to do. We’re waffling on whether to go, and I feel like we’re going to end up on the side of “Fuck it, we’re all vaxxed and (adults) boostered, we’ll wear masks, and now that we’re still incurring some risk that we think is worth the tradeoff.” Feels super not great to make that kind of decision, but this voluntary isolation in a state where ~no one else is doing it is definitely taking its toll on us.


Severity and isolation times aren’t really linked.

I’m not surprised I’m the only mask wearer, I’m surprised at how self-conscious about it I am.


I am (very) open to the idea that people are contagious for less than 10 days but the total lack of testing as part of the “back to work” protocol smells pretty bad

Jeez, singing karaoke does not make one a fascist. :laughing:

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Public policy shouldn’t have trying to get very close to zero cases as the goal.

Was gonna take my son to Spider Man this week but have done a 180. Will be asking my boss for a switch back to full WFH until Omicron calms down

The head of the largest nursing union in the US has warned that new federal guidance reducing the isolation time for asymptomatic people infected with Covid-19 will increase the spread of the virus.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released updated guidance on Monday halving the recommended isolation time from 10 days to five days.

Speaking to CNN, Jean Ross, president of National Nurses United, said: “It’s only going to lead to more illness, more cases.”

Ross argued that reducing isolation time during a surge in the Omicron variant is misguided. “This is when you should be tightening your controls, not lessening it,” she said.

Her comments came as new data released today by the CDC estimated the Omicron variant accounted for 58.6% of cases circulating in the country for the week ending 25 December.

It’s not immoral to tolerate acceptable losses. I knowingly choose to do so.

The number of children being admitted into hospital in New York City has increased fivefold this month as pediatric Covid cases and hospitalisations across the US continue to rise week after week. Pediatric hospitalisations in New York City jumped from 22 to 109 in the week ending December 23.

Nationwide, pediatric hospitalisations are up 35% in just the past week, CNN reports.

“I think we are going to see more numbers now than we have ever seen,” Dr Stanley Spinner, chief medical officer and vice president at Texas Children’s Pediatrics & Urgent Care in Houston, said.

“Cases are continuing to rise between Christmas gatherings and we’re going to continue to see more numbers this week from that.”

Earlier today, New York’s acting state health commissioner said the risk of Covid for children is “real”. “We are alerting New Yorkers to this recent striking increase in pediatric Covid-19 admissions so that paediatricians, parents and guardians can take urgent action to protect our youngest New Yorkers,” she said.

3/5 of Melk houshold pozzed
-two kids both Pfizer, second dose 3wks ago
-Mrs Melk, Moderna, Moderna, Pfizer (boosted in Oct)
-Melk negative, Pfizer, Pfizer, Moderna (boosted in Aug)
-FIL negative, Moderna x 3 (boosted in Oct)

Only cold symptoms for all of the pozzes.


Sorry to hear man. Keeping my fingers crossed for all the pozzed.