COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

I’m freaking out mentally. Like I’ve been good isolating from my mom but I did see her the morning after so who knows. I want to go scream at my sister that I hope believing in her hateful right wing bullshit was worth possibly killing her mom but I know it’s not a good idea

Physically I’m fine. No symptoms or anything

Thank you for checking in


It’s still true isn’t it that the morning after exposure would be too soon for you to be able to spread it to her? I’d like to think you’re safe in that regard, not that I wouldn’t be worried in your spot anyway.



So 4 days after is when I should first get tested right?

Chris Hayes is pissed

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Gofundme status: confirmed.

Why only one dose?

The recommendation that only one dose be given - which the CMOs said could be looked at again in the spring - is related to the very rare risk of a condition called myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle.

It can cause chest pain and heart palpitations, but cases are usually mild and children recover quickly with standard treatment.

The risk is tiny after one vaccine dose and slightly higher after two, with 12 to 34 cases seen for every one million second doses.

Boys are at higher risk than girls.

And most of the benefits from the vaccine, which reduce the small risk of illness, are gained after one.

I think we’ve covered thoroughly why this is so dumb. Do we need to do this again or is everyone good?

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Think we are all good. The idiots win this round. Hopefully casualties due to stupidity are low for this one.

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I hope someone more knowledgeable than me can give you the best answer to that question. I’ve been lucky enough not to have needed to figure out exactly when would be best. Also not sure if the timeframe is accelerated with delta.

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I think the only thing to add on is that not creating a full immune response is just asking for a mutation to make the vaccine less effective. Just atrocious work in the UK.

Not as quite as desparado this side of the pond

America’s Covid-19 death rate overtakes Britain as vaccinations falter

The United States overtook the UK yesterday in Covid-19 deaths per head of population for the first time this year.

Total deaths per million in the US rose to 1,977 after the wave fuelled by the Delta variant claimed another 1,727 lives in a day, with 80 million American adults shunning protective injections.

Cumulative deaths in the UK since the start of the pandemic were 1,973.7 per million, the first time it has been lower than in America since early November last year.

While 64.7 per cent of American adults are fully vaccinated, this compares with 80.6 per cent in the UK, where taking the vaccine is far less politicised and take-up has been much greater.

President Biden spoke yesterday of his “disappointment” at a

  • Fully vaccinated people should be tested 3-5 days following a known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 and wear a mask in public indoor settings for 14 days or until they receive a negative test result.

Fingers crossed for negatives for you and your mom.


Fuckkkkkkkkk… Hope she gets better soon brother :pensive:


This is a good pointer when this issue comes up:


Just got an announcement that one of our techs died of Covid.

Care to take a guess on his stance on vaccines?

COVID causes more myocarditis and the presentation is far more severe while vaccine associated myocarditis is basically a troponin leak, which can happen from things like playing in a soccer game to a child. Every case series I’ve seen is very mild. The case I saw was very mild. The overall balance of risk here is one way.

I’m not sure exactly what you’re responding to or where you’re quoting from.

But it doesn’t seem very compelling in light of this (from the link I posted):

Myocarditis among boys after vaccination is mild. And, in a new study in the journal of Pediatrics, people with myocarditis after vaccination fully recovered: “The hospital course is mild with quick clinical recovery and excellent short-term outcomes”.

And what long-term effects are unknowable now, but will be knowable with a few more months of data?

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These people are all the way gone. They’re never coming back.


If they never come to my ER, then they never become my problem.


Hey it’s cool that Facebook is just letting this idiocy fester.