COVID-19: Chapter 9 - OMGicron

Plans for Covid vaccinations for 12- to 15-year-olds across the UK are to be announced by the government this week, with a mass inoculation programme beginning in schools within two weeks, the Observer has been told.

Doesn’t seem massively stupid.

The UK gov has made a shit ton of mistakes but the only mistake here arguably would be in not donating vaccines to foreign countries.

Sri Lanka faces food shortages

Sri Lanka is facing food shortages with customers in state-run supermarkets reporting long queues for items such as rice, sugar, lentils and milk powder, the BBC is reporting.

The government has denied there are shortages. It says that the strict controls on the supply of essential goods imposed on 30 August by president Gotabaya Rajapaksa was needed to prevent traders hoarding food items and control inflation.

The government has declared a state of emergency, while Sri Lanka’s Central Bank chief has stepped down during a foreign exchange crisis.

The economy experienced a record slump last year as the pandemic hit tourism – one of the country’s main foreign currency earners.

Sri Lanka is struggling with a depreciating currency, inflation and a large foreign debt burden.

I think I’d be okay with Biden telling unvaccinated Americans to make up their minds right now. The government has reserved shots for everyone, but if you don’t want yours, it will be given to someone else in another country. Its a worldwide pandemic and needs to be addressed on a worldwide basis. And if they agree to give away their vaccine, let them agree to be refused hospital service as well when they catch Covid. But give them all the Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine they want to self-medicate at home.


That’s actually a pretty interesting idea. Make them choose between their love of COVID and giving something to a brown person.

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How? They’ll just decline their vax and then rant and rave about Biden giving things to dirty foreigners so they can mash their GRIEVANCE button.

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So I went to visit one of my best friends last night. He was back from overseas for only two weeks. Anyways there was a small get together and everyone there was vaccinated.

Remember my sister who got her brain melted from right wing shit and refused to get vaccinated? Well she showed up. Obviously I talked to her for awhile.

She woke up today with 103 fever and throwing up. She’s going to get tested. Obviously I have to completely isolate from my mom now for like a week+ while I also wait then get tested.

I feel extreme anger towards her right now. She was really sick like two weeks ago and crying in the hospital scared she had covid, she didn’t, still didn’t get vaccinated, and is now sick again.


Maybe not a week or more if you can e.g. get a 24 hr turnaround after 4 days of incubation, but that still really sucks.

Ugh. Best wishes for a only good scare and some natural immunity for your sister.

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Lots of these stories today. Nobody actually quitting at companies. (Some cops somewhere???)


Excellent. Next we break out the ankle bracelets.

How do we create this incentive to get vaxxed if we had M4A?

Death panels ldo

During a news conference Friday afternoon, Lewis County Health System CEO Gerald Cayer said seven of the 30 hospital workers who resigned were from the hospital’s maternity ward. He added that another seven maternity unit staffers were undecided about getting the vaccine, the television station reported.

Cayer said 165 hospital employees, or 27% of the facility’s workforce, have yet to be vaccinated against COVID-19, WWNY reported.

Jfc. What a bunch of morons. Didn’t someone just publish something that says the miscarry rate is double in pozzed pregnancies?

I’ve mentioned before that my partner is a funeral director. Her co-worker (mid 60s. Overweight. Smoker) lost her daughter to COVID yesterday after 4 weeks on a ventilator (well, she claims it was unrelated pneumonia). This makes at least her 4th family member to die to the virus, along with her Brother, SIL, and daughter’s MIL. She adamantly refuses to get vaccinated.

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My girlfriend went to a Bachelorette party this weekend. It was all late 20s early 30s girls so I think everyone just assumed that everyone else was vaccinated.

Welp, turns out one of them is unvaccinated, as is her husband. Pretty annoying to learn that Friday after everyone has already arrived. Even worse, this wedding was postponed a year and a half because the bride’s parents are old and have pre-existing conditions, yet this girl is in the bridal party and is going to be going to the wedding unvaccinated as well.

Bride needs to put her foot down, imo.


That was my position as well. She might but I think it’s unlikely.

I was actually getting angry on her behalf, even though it isn’t even close to my place. I tried to push my gf to say something about it but I don’t think she’ll want to rock the boat.

Make them stand in a corner with masks on. No eating. Nothing.

What’s interesting is since nurses are in such demand many of the anti vax nurses who worked at places requiring vaccinations quit and became traveling nurses for hire.

Now pretty much everywhere is going to require vaccines they are either going to have to get the vaccination anyways or quit the profession or find one of the handful of nursing jobs that don’t involve federal funding.